Chapter 23

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Previously on Chapter 22

I clench my grip around my sword's hilt, feeling anger growing within me. This demon is pure evil. How can they treat us like we're some sort of toys! Unforgivable!

-Things Just Keep On Getting Harder-


I start to feel exhausted. Defends are more exhausting than offense. But I can't fight back. They're all still humans. Even though they're under a demon's control. But it wasn't their choice, and no matter how many times we slice the webs attached. They just keep on reattaching.

I turn my head noticing Onii-Chan running around in circle before throwing a girl to a tree. Inosuke acts excited as he copies his action. That guy thinks everything is a challenge.

But if this is the only way for us to be able to stop these controlled Demon Slayer to stop attacking us, might as well do the same. I place my sword back inside its sheathe before following what my brother did. I grab the one chasing me, throwing him up on a tree.

"Sorry for that!" I said. He just shakes his head to assure me that he's fine with it. It's better than getting forced to hurt people. I duck out of the way when someone else launch an attack at me. I turn my head to see it's another controlled Demon Slayer. I quickly do the same to her.

I look around, making sure everyone is hanged on the trees. "Alright... now we have to locate where the demon responsible for controlling these people is hiding and put an end to this" I said.

But before I could even make a move, the Demon Slayers that are hanging on the trees makes pained scream. I turn my head just in time to see their heads rotating. Their body slumps while still hangs on the tree. But neither of them are alive as their necks are broken.

I let out a shaky breath as I stare into their eyes that are now lifeless. I lower my gaze as I glare at the ground in front of me. I clenched my hands tightly to the point blood starts seeping out at how deep my nails are digging through my flesh. I feel anger growing within me at how cruel the demon is treating these poor souls.

"Y/N..." someone said, placing a hand on my trembling clenched right hand. I turn my head to see Onii-Chan. He stares at me worriedly. He lift my hand and frown when he notices the blood on the palm of my hand. The wound instantly healed as always. "Just because you can heal rapidly, doesn't mean you can hurt yourself. I'm worried about you either way, Y/N..." he said, turning his head to look at me with a sad gaze.

"I'm sorry..." I mumbled. He let out a sigh and pulls me into a hug. I clutch the back of his shirt. He run his hand through my hair comfortingly. "We should focus on the battle, Onii-Chan" I said. He nods his head before pulling away from me. He gives me a soft smile. He lift his head and gently pat my head, making me smile contently at his gentle form of affection.

I take a few steps away from him, closing my eyes. I startnto focus on my senses, trying to pinpoint where the demon responsible for the death of these Slayers is hiding. I feel a presence not far from where we are.

"Over there! I'll handle this one!" I said. I quickly jump up to tree before anyone could say anything. I gather some strength on my feet and launch myself high in the air. I can see the demon responsible for this mess. I grip my hand around my sword's hilt firmly.

"Water Breathing Technique - First Form!" I said. As I near the demon, I can see the look of hopelessness in her eyes. There are no sign of retaliation as well as if she had chose to accept her fate. My eyes soften at the sight. I switch the way I hold my sword. "Fifth Form : Blessed Rain After The Draught" I said, moving passed her. I turn around as the demon's head falls to the ground.

I stare at her with pity. Most demons I've came across with are all hungry for power. But this one seem like she's living in pure terror to the point she accepted her death. I place my palms together in a praying manner.

"Rest in peace... I hope in the next life, you won't end up in the same fate..." I said, softly. I give her a sad smile as I slowly turn around, ready to walk away.

"There's a member of the Twelve Kizuki here..." the demon said. I froze in my spot at what she said. I turn my head to look at her as she gives me weak, yet grateful smile. "Be careful..." she said.

"Wait!" I said. But her body have already turned into ash. I stare at the spot where she previously laid on, trying to comprehend what she just informed me. "A member of the Twelve Kizuki is here... a genuine member of the Twelve Kizuki, here on this mountain!" I said. I've got to warn the others about this! This mission is far more dangerous than I anticipated.

One false move, they could end up losing their lives. I quickly turn around and run towards where I left the others. I hope they're still okay and that they haven't cross path with the Twelve Kizuki.

I can feel their presence near by. I quickly turn to that direction and run faster. "Onii-Chan!" I yelled out once my brother is within my line of sight. He turns around to face me. I feel relieved to see he's alright.

"Y/N! Did you defeat the demon Mother?" He said. I just nod my head as I finally stand in front of him. I place my hands on my knees as I try to regain control of my breath. "Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost..." he said, worriedly.

"Onii-Chan..." I said, in a serious tone as I turn to look at him. He just stares at me as I place my hands on both of his shoulders. "A member of the Twelve Kizuki is here!" I said. His eyes widened at what I said.

"Do you realize what this means, Y/N? Aside from this mission turned out to be more dangerous. But forget that part, if we can manage to extract that demon's blood. The cure to turn Nezuko back into humans can be completed sooner!" He said. My eyes widened at what he said. He's right about that. If by miracle we managed to get a sample of this demon's blood. We can cure Nezuko-Nee faster! I will do everything in my power to be able to defeat this demon! For Nee-San's sake.

*to be continued*

Never Forget You (Tokito Muichiro X Reader) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang