Chapter 17

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A/N: since the Lower Moon's power aren't known. I will be making the story up. I hope you like it~


Previously on Chapter 16

Twelve Kizuki served directly under Kibutsuji. They're closer in strength to Kibutsuji himself... Lady Tamayo's voice echoed in my head. Can I win against this demon? All on my own?

-A Helping Hand-


The demon open his mouth and sprays something out of it. I was about to jump when I realize it's just a bunch of floating bubbles. I look around in confusion.

"What the hell..." I mumbled. I lift my free hand and pop one. I gasps in shock when my hand slowly turns into stone. I stare at my hand in horror as I turn to look at the demon. He stares back at me with a triumph face.

"You made a big mistake touching my bubbles!" He said. I clench my non-petrified hand in annoyance. There's lots of bubbles surrounding the area. How am I suppose to get closer to this demon.

If I pop the bubbles, more part of my body will get petrified. I turn my head upwards to look above the monster. If I try to attack him from above, he would just release more and I won't be able to avoid the bubbles mid-air. It would only lead to game over for me.

I stab my sword on the ground which makes the demon eyed me suspiciously. I reach inside my small bag and grab a UV Flash Bomb. I stare at it for a few seconds. I don't have a choice but to use one of this. I have to at least weakens him before trying to defeat him. He's too strong right now.

I lift it to my mouth and pull out the string with my teeth. I throw it in the air, making it fly over the demon's head. I cover my eyes with my haori as the flash activated. I hear the demon screams in pain.

Just like the first one, it only lasted for 10 seconds. I lift my petrified hand to see it had been un-petrified. I guess because my flash-bomb imitates the sunlight. It helped me lift the curse as well. I smirk to myself and turn to look at the demon. The demon's body is covered in sunburn blisters.

"You brat! What did you do to me, huh?!" He yelled at me. I grab my sword, pulling it out from the ground. He growls angrily and shoots more bubbles towards me. I jump up and lands on a tree.

I can't keep on avoiding. I have to fight back. But how can I fight back when this demon just keeps on shooting more petrification bubbles at me. I take a deep breath and focus on my sight. I have to find an opening to be able to attack him.

I obviously can't keep using more UV light bomb. I only have 8 left. I have to use it when I really needed it with a stronger demons. I have to fight it with my own strength. Can't keep on counting on my devices. Even through I'm the one who made them, I have to focus on my physical strength as well and not just my brain.

I jump out of the way, failing to see another bubble next to me. I drop on the ground when my feet got petrified. I grit my teeth in annoyance. How could I be so reckless?!

The demon let out a laugh as he approaches me. I clench my hands into tight fists. I force myself to stand up, as I try to ignore my petrified leg. I focus to gather more strength on one leg and lunges forward. I slash him, only managing to slash across his face.

"Why you!!!" He yelled angrily. His mouth grow bigger as he seem to gather something inside his mouth, getting ready to shoot it at me. I try to move, only to fall down. It's hard to move because of my petrified leg.

"Mist Breathing Technique - Fourth Form : Shifting Flow Slash" a voice said. I can see a flash of blue, before the demon's head rolls on the ground. I stare at the head in shock as it slowly turns into ash.

I blink my eyes after a few times after I snap out of my temporary shock. I turn my head to look at the person, to see it's the same boy that I saw inside the shop. He just stands there, staring at me with a cold gaze.

"You're so reckless. If I hadn't come here in time you would have turned into stone" he said. I just stare at him, not knowing what to say. He's right about that. If I had been more careful, my leg wouldn't get petrified.

I hear his footsteps and turn my head to see he's already walking away. "W-Wait!" I called out. He stops and turn around to face me. "Thank you for saving me... um..." I trailed off.

"Tokito Muichiro..." he said. He turn to face me and crosses his arms as he stares at my petrified leg. "What are you going to do with that now?" He said. I lower my gaze to my petrified leg. Unlike normal injuries. This one didn't heal as quick.

I wonder if I can fasten the healing process. I take a deep breath and stare at it, my eyes turn brighter as I attempt to use a technique that might help me cure my leg faster.

Muichiro P.O.V

The h/c haired girl's eyes turns a brighter blue. I watch as the leg that have been petrified slowly gets better, until the petrification disappears. I watch as a small grin starts to form on her lips.

"Say... what's your name?" I said, crouching down in front of her. She lift her head to look at me. Judging from the look in her eyes, it's obvious that she's exhausted. But even so, she managed to smile softly at me.

"My name is Y/N... Kamado Y/N..." she said. Her eyes rolled back as she falls to her side. I move closer and pat her cheek. She have lost her consciousness.

I look up to the sky to see the moon is still high. Which means it's nowhere near dawn. I let out a sigh, it seems like I don't have a choice but to bring this girl somewhere safer to rest. Normally, I wouldn't bother with this kind of thing. But for some reason, I can't leave this girl behind in such a vulnerable state.

I place her sword back inside the sheathe and place it in my belt. I gently wrap the girl's arms around my neck. I place my hands behind her knees.

If I remember correctly, there's suppose to be a rest house for Demon Slayers. The house with Wisteria Crest symbol. I should take this girl there, so she can rest.

I adjust the girl a little when I feel her slipping. I quickly firm my grip behind her knees to make sure she wouldn't fall of.  I turn my head slightly to look at her face that is resting on my shoulder. She's kind of... pretty.

I shake my head, trying to dismiss that thought. I look forward as I start to walk, heading to the rest house. The only thing on my mind was why do I care about someone I barely knew. When I couldn't even bother with the other Demon Slayers. So... why now?

What's wrong with me?

*to be continued*

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