Chapter 26

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Previously on Chapter 25

His shock turns to anger as he glares at me. But I don't feel any fear this time. The only thing on my mind is to save Nee-San from his evil grasp. I'll save you, Nee-San... no matter what it takes.

-Newly Found Power-


No matter how many attempts we do, we always ended up getting flung back. I start to breathe heavily. Despite my wounds healing fast, my strength is drained after fighting for so long.

"Look, you... I'm sure I'm mistaken, but..." the demon said. He walks towards us who's breathing heavily when he haven't even broke a sweat. "You both don't think that if you get close enough to me, you can chop off my head, do you? Fine by me. Here. Give it a shot" he said. I turn to look at Onii-Chan. He lunges forward, his broken sword makes contact with his neck. But it didn't do a thing.

He kicks Onii-Chan, making him crash into a tree. "Onii-Chan!" I screamed. I turn around to run to him, but I feel something wrapping around my neck. I wince in pain as I feel my body getting lifted in the air.

"Stop it!! Let her go!!" Onii-Chan yelled out. I turn my head slightly to look at him. I let out a pained cry as more web wraps around my body. Next to me, Nezuko-Nee also cry out in pain. "Y/N!! Nezuko!!!" He yelled out our name. His eyes wide as he starts panicking.

"No... as I said before. I'll take this one... to be my little sister" he said, gesturing towards Nee-San. He turn to look at me and moves his hand to point at me. "And I will hand this one to my Lord" he said. He turn to look at Onii-Chan coldly. "And you... will die" he said.

"Don't hurt him!" I screamed. Nezuko-Nee also screamed despite her bamboo muzzle. The demon turn his head to look at me. His eyes looks irritated. He lift his hand to reveal the web in them.

"You're both being too noisy... quite down a bit" he said. I let out a pained scream as the web tightens even more. My ears are ringing. But I can see Onii-Chan's mouth are moving. My vision grows blurry as tears starts to stream down my cheeks.

Tanjiro P.O.V

I start to grow desperate at the sight of my sisters being tortured by the demon. I feel exhausted but at least I'm able to cut through the threads after using my total concentration breathing. I have to keep pushing myself forward. If I stop now, I won't be able to move anymore.

"Hey... You don't think these threads are at maximum strength, do you?" He said. He lift his hand. "Blood Demon Art... Cutting Thread Cage. I have no more use for you. Goodbye" he said.

No good! I can't slash these threads! I'm still not getting enough spin. These are giving off a totally different scent than the other threads! But I can't afford to lose, no matter what! I'm gonna die. I'm gonna lose! I'm...

The sound of laughter suddenly appears in my head. A memory of my childhood flash through.


I laugh happily as I danced around while Nezuko and Y/N are both hyping me up. "Tanjirou... Breathe. Get your breathing under control and become Hinokami" father said.

I stand on the side as I watch Father dances while he's surrounded with fire. "Tanjirou? Look. It's your father's kagura dance. Our family works with fire, so to ward off injuries and disasters, we offer this dance to Hinokami, along with our prayers, on New Year's Day" mother said.

"Hey, Mother..." I said, turning my head to look at my mother. She turn to look at me. Baby Nezuko and Y/N are both asleep on her back. "How can Father dance like that in the snow for so long when he's so frail? I bet my lungs would freeze" I said.

I'm now inside the house. I lay on father's blanket as he have his hand on my head. He's explaining to me why he's able to dance even in a harsh cold breathing. Apparently there's a breathing technique.

"Right. If you can master the correct way to breathe, you'll be able to dance forever, too. The cold won't bother you, either" he said. I just stare at him with curiosity. He smiles softly at me. "Tanjiro, if nothing else, make sure this kagura and these earrings get passed down to you uninterrupted. That's what I promised" he said.

End of Flashback

I take a deep breath. "Hinokami Kagura... dance!!" I said. I manage to slash through the webs. 'Don't stop! Keep running! If you stop now, it'll bring on the repercussions of forcibly switching from Water Breathing to Hinokami Dance Breathing! When that happens, I'll be immobile for a while! That's why I gotta do it now! Run! You gotta protect Nezuko and Y/N!!' I thought to myself as I keep forcing myself to keep going.

His webs are closing in on me. But a flash of red burns them. My body is engulfed with a soft blue glow which gave me strength. With these, i'm able to close in on the demon until I finally reached him. My broken sword makes contact with his neck.

"The bond between Nezuko, Y/N and me... can't be... severed by anyone!" I screamed as I slash through his neck. His head flies off his body. I drop on the ground from exhaustion.

"Nezuko... Y/N... I won" I said, weakly. I turn around to look at my sisters but they're not where they're suppose to be. I notice there's smell of blood, but no ashes. My eyes widened in realization.

I turn my head as the demon's body slowly approaches me. He pulls some web as he reattached his head back on his body. "You thought you defeated me? Poor kid. Did your pathetic delusion bring you joy? I cut off my head myself with my own threads... before you could chop it off" he said. I just keep crawling forward.

"Enough. I'll kill both you and your sister. I haven't been this enraged in a long time" he said. I ignore him and keep on crawling forward. Get up! Get up right now! Get your breathing under control! Hurry! Right now!

"But I wonder why you're not burning up. It was only me and my threads that caught fire, right? I don't know if it's your sister's power, but thanks for getting me super annoyed. Now I can carve you up with no regrets" he said.

He lift his hand as his web now turns a shade of red. "Blood Demon Art... Murderous Eye Basket!" He said. The web forms around me, making my eyes widened. I try not to panic as it would disrupt my breathing pattern. But how can I fight back when I can barely move? What should I do??

*to be continued*

Never Forget You (Tokito Muichiro X Reader) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz