Chapter 45

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Previously on Chapter 44

"Hey. Are you okay, Y/N? Talk to me!" He said, sounding panicked. I didn't get a chance to say anything as I feel my whole body going numb. Onii-Chan is quick to catch me as I fall of the chair. "Hey! What's wrong?! Hang in there, sis. Oi, you two! Stop staring and go get Shinobu-San! Hurry up!" He yelled. I hear footsteps fading away, as my surrounding went dark.

-Choosing The Impossible-

Tanjiro P.O.V

I gently scoop Y/N in my arms, rushing her towards the Hospital Ward. Why did she keep ended up collapsing? This never happened before. Her body seem to keep on growing weaker. What's happening to her??

I gently lay her down on the hospital bed. I turn my head just in time to see Shinobu-San entering the room. She's quick to be on Y/N's side as she starts to check on my little sister.

"Do you mind waiting outside, Tanjiro-Kun?" She said, turning to look at me. I shake my head. I turn around and walks out of the room. I lean my back against the wall as I stare up at the ceiling. Worry swells in my heart, praying to God that Y/N would be alright.

"I heard what happened! How is she?" Someone said. I turn my head to see Tokito-Kun. His eyes are wide as he looks panicked. I push myself off the wall to face him properly.

"I don't know what happened to her, Tokito-Kun. Her nose suddenly starts to bleed and she fainted..." I said. I bit my lips as I clench my hands into tight fists. I stare at the ground as my body trembled. I don't know what I'd do if something were to happen to my little sister.

The door to Y/N's room opens, making us turn to look at the door. "How is she, Shinobu-San?" I said, rushing to stand in front of her. She turn to look at the room for a few seconds before turning to look at me.

"I checked everything. But I can't seem to find anything wrong with her... is there anything out of the ordinary? Or did you learn anything new about Y/N-Chan that you didn't know before?" She said. I think about what she said, until I remember what we had learned during our last visit to Rengoku-San's house.

"Y/N-Chan... is a descendant of the first group of demon hunters. She's a Shadowhunter" I said. They stare at me in shock. I suddenly remember the book she read during our meal, maybe there's a clue about her condition.

Zenitsu and Inosuke rushes towards us. I turn my head to look at Zenitsu. "Where's Y/N's book?" I asked. He lift his hand, showing the book Y/N was reading. I quickly walk towards him and take the book from his hand. I take a seat on the ground as I start flipping through the pages, trying desperately to find answers that can help my sister.

My eyes scanned through the pages as fast as I can, as I try to find any clue. I eventually stop when I come across the title. The Fatality of Being A Shadowhunter.

I bit my lips at the title as I turn my head down to the paragraphs below it. I start to read slowly, trying to find the situation that is similar to the condition my sister is in right now. My eyes widened when I come across a point.

Resurrecting The Dead

Resurrecting the dead is a fatal move for a Shadowhunter. As Shadowhunter are half-angels. They are tied to rules that can be fatal if broken. Resurrection the dead is a forbidden action. To Shadowhunters, it is the same as exchanging their lives with the people they resurrect.

In other words, as long as the person they brought back from the dead is alive and healthy. The Shadowhunter responsible for such action will pay the price with their own. Over time, the Shadowhunter's health will slowly deteriorate, until they die as a replacement for the life they have saved.

- The person a Shadowhunter saved has to return the life source given to them.

I let out a shaky breath at the realization. Y/N used the technique to bring Rengoku-San back to life. That's why, she ended up in this condition. She's replacing Rengoku-San.

The solution written in this book said that the person that was brought back from the dead must return their life source in order for the Shadowhunter to recover. But if Rengoku-San return his, that means he'd... oh no.

"Tanjiro? Why are you silent?? What's wrong??" A voice said, snapping me out of my shock. I turn my head to see Tokito-Kun. He's kneeling down in front of me. "Do you find the answer to save Y/N? She will be okay... right?? Hey, answer me!" He said as he places his hands on my shoulders, gently shaking me to get me to give him an answer. I didn't say anything as I just hand him the book. He take it from my hand and start to read.

"Oh no..." he said. The others circled around us, wanting to know what's going on as well. He turn his head to look at them. His eyes full of sorrow and sadness. "In order for Y/N to regain her health... R-Rengoku-San has to die" he said. Their eyes widened in horror at what he said.

"What kind of choice is this???" Zenitsu yelled out. He looks panicked and scared. "Does this means we have to choose between Y/N-Chan and Rengoku-San?? This is crazy!! How are we suppose to decide?!" He said, eyes wide in disbelief at the revelation.

I just look down at my lap. Tears starts building up in my eyes. As much as I don't want Y/N to lose her life. I don't want Rengoku-San to die either. But if we don't make a choice sooner, Y/N's life is on the line. This ultimatum is so unfair. How are we suppose to choose? Y/N or Rengoku-San. This is just asking us to choose the impossible.

*to be continued*

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