Chapter 13

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"Did the God of Mischief just have a full blown panic attack?!"

Tony's voice broke through the fog that had engulfed Clint's mind. He had been stood watching the events unfold without actually seeing them. When Loki had opened his eyes and looked around something had clicked, bringing a memories to the forefront of his mind, confirming their suspicions. He could remember times when Loki had seemed in pain after communicating with his allies and injuries appearing without anyone being near. He remembered how Loki had always tried to keep them out of harms way, making sure he was always the centre of attention, so to speak. The one thing that had brought clarity had been the one detail they had all missed, the younger God's eyes.

"He was afraid of me! He thought I would hurt him!" Thor lamented, looking like a lost puppy.

"Hey, it's alright big guy." Tony soothed resting his hand on the Thunderer's shoulder to convey his sympathy. "I'm sure he.."

"What colour are his eyes?" Clint interrupted.

"What?" Tony asked sharing a confused look while Thor was just surprised by the random question.

"Loki's eyes, what colour are they?" he repeated knowing the answer was the key.

"They are green. I do not know what that.." Thor started.

"Blue. Don't think I'll forget the look when..." Tony answered at the same time.

Both men stopped speaking and looked shocked.

"They're definitely blue Thor." Tony started. "He threw me out my own window, I definitely saw blue".

"You must be mistaken my friend. Loki has always had green eyes, though I do not understand why this is so important." Thor said turning to Clint for an explanation but it was Bruce who spoke next.

"When Clint was under the Scepter's control his eyes were blue, same with Selvig and some others".

"His eyes are green now." Clint said calmly. "I think it's safe to say we're right and he wasn't in control".

"Well shit!" Tony breathed.

The four men stood awkwardly for a few minutes processing what this information meant in the long run and it wouldn't bode well. Clint felt exhausted and glanced over to where the God of Mischief lay curled up against the wall hugging the Arctic fox to him gently.

"Um guys. I think he's fallen asleep."


A low rumble woke Loki from his slumber. It took him a moment to realise that he was lying in the rather uncomfortable bed with the soft weight on his chest. Reaching his hand up he gently ran his hands through the soft fur eliciting purrs from it. A small smile graced his face. Just as he was about to drift off again the rumble started again. Frustrated that his sleep had been disturbed he pried his tired eyes open.

There, sat hunched in a small chair, head hanging down to his chest, was Thor. Feeling his panic begin to rise he forced himself to calm by taking deep breaths, trying not to disturb the creature on him. Wracking his mind he recalled the memory of what brought him here. After so many years of seeing only his guards his mother had come for his help to save Thor. Bitterness entered him at that thought but he pushed it away. He remembered helping the oaf then there was a brief memory of fear and confusion. As he thought about it he realised what must have happened and felt ashamed of himself for showing such weakness, even if it had been out of his control. As my life has been for some time now. he thought ruefully. At least that infernal beeping machine is gone.

Glancing down to the small creature he found himself contemplating it. He knew this was no wild animal as she had communicated with him to help him calm during his small episode before. She had called herself Carly and he was certain that this was who had helped to heal him. He found it interesting that she remained in this form around the others, though he also found it amusing. He suspected that either she still did not trust them or that she was doing it just to annoy them.

Feeling the pull of sleep again he closed his eyes only to have them snap open yet again to glower darkly at the blonde snoring beside him.

"What's wrong?" a soft voice spoke into his mind.
Turning his gaze he was met with a pair of glowing blue eyes.

"My oaf of a brother snores loud enough to wake those in Valhalla." He muttered quietly.

"So why haven't you woken him?"

"I..." Loki was tempted to lie to this creature but she had helped him so he opted for the truth. "I fear he hates me." he admitted. "And so he should. With all I have done it is clear that I am nothing but a monster."

"You are not a monster." Carly said calmly yet firmly. "From what you let me see it is clear that the only monster is the one who hurt you".

"He will still hate me. He believes that I tried to kill him." Loki argued.

"If he hates you then he has a strange way of showing it. He has been watching over us so that you would not be alone or hurt. The only times he has not been here is when the archer would take over so that he could rest and eat." Carly said.

"What?" Loki breathed. No, surely she lies. But I can't detect one! Thor and Barton? Both watching over me? Barton? What has happened? Loki wasn't sure what to think.

"Rest my friend. I will help you sleep." Carly said soothingly, purring gently.

"Do I know you?" the young God asked as his eyes drifted closed. He felt some kind of connection with her but could not think clearly. He was certain he had heard her voice somewhere before, a long time ago.

"I'm not sure." came the sleepy reply.

Just before he lost the battle with sleep he realised that Carly was using her Seidhr to help him sleep. Unable to fight against it he felt himself drift off.

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