Chapter 9

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Thor was torn. On one hand he knew that he should return to Asgard and inform his father of what the Avengers now suspected but he did not want to leave his little brother. An image of Loki lying drained and unconscious on the bed in the medical Wing flashed through his mind. How had no one not noticed? Loki looked to be only a shadow of himself. He knew his brother did not like asking for help or showing weakness but to have let it get this far? Why had his guards on Asgard not said something? Why did I not go to see him in the entire three years? he thought sadly. He knew why he hadn't gone, he was afraid. Afraid to see what his brother had become. Afraid to see the hate in those once kind and mischievous emerald eyes. He was not proud of it and would deny it if asked but it was the truth.

He had been watching the footage that had been captured from three years ago and was ashamed that he had not seen the evidence in front of him. They had managed to pull up some of the footage from the S.H.I.E.L.D base where they had been studying the Tesseract and were shocked at the state Loki had been in when he arrived. The dark haired God had appeared like a wild creature initially yet had stumbled more than once. The footage of the events in Germany had been confusing for Thor. It had been as though the God of Mischief had purposely wanted to be captured. Thor was convinced that Loki could have gotten the Iridium without attracting all of that attention.

If Thor really thought about it, which he was now doing, he could see times where his brother seemed to come back to himself though they were rare and fleeting.

Feeling as though someone had decided to take Mjolnir and start pounding at his head the God of Thunder had gone out to the lawn for some time to think. He was unsure how his father would react to this news. Would the Allfather believe that Loki had been controlled or would he see it as the Trickster at work? What had truly happened to Loki when he had fallen from the Bifrost? Thor had no answers and he wished he did. Hearing four sets of footsteps approach he lifted his head from his hands, watching as Sif and the Warriors Three came towards him.

"Thor, the Allfather needs to know what we have found." Sif said seriously.

Not trusting his voice at the moment Thor just nodded his head.

"If it is true that Loki was not in control of his actions then we must find out who it was controlling him." Hogan added.

"Though he may not tell us." Fandral pointed out. "From what the Allfather told us his guards said, he hasn't been mentally stable."

Thor felt drained but knew Odin had to be informed. Bracing himself to stand he was surprised when he felt a hand on his arm. Looking up he saw Fandral giving him a soft smile, his face marred by the bruise under his right eye from where he had been struck from Loki's flailing arm.
"I think you should stay, your brother needs you." Fandral's voice was full of sympathy though he could see Sif throwing him a confused look.

"We shall inform the Allfather of what is happening and return when we can." Volstagg added with Hogun nodding agreement. Sif did not seem overly happy with the situation but knew not to argue.

It wasn't long before his friends were gathered up by the Bifrost and he headed in. Realising he hadn't eaten for a while he decided to grab something before going to sit with his brother.


A beeping sound brought the fox out of her restful sleep, making her ears twitch. Her small form ached all over and she still felt a bit tired. Listening carefully she realised that there was no one moving around nearby. Opening her eyes slowly she had to blink a couple of times to bring everything into focus. She was surprised to find herself in what looked to be an advanced hospital. Feeling anxious she glanced around to find the bed beside hers occupied. The raven haired man seemed to be resting peacefully though he looked drained and ill. Reaching out with her magic she could sense that he was also a magic user but his was somehow blocked. She had never met another with abilities like hers and could feel a tingle of excitement run through her. Tempering it down she decided to get a better look around.

Cautiously she stood, feeling a tug on her right paw. Looking she saw an I.V line had been rigged up and attached to her. Carefully she pulled the needle with her teeth, whimpering a little as the needle came out. Shaking her paw she jumped down from the bed. Padding her way around the room it wasn't long before she realised that to get out she would need to transform into her human form but she was unwilling to do so for now. Until she knew she was safe she would not reveal herself.

Hearing a soft groan she turned her attention back to the man on the bed. He had begun to twitch and groan as though in pain. Feeling a pull on her magic she realised that she must have been unconsciously using her magic to calm him. Going over to him she reached out to calm him once again, finding it easier than she thought it would be. Jumping back up onto her bed, then jumping across to his she looked at the dark haired man. There was something about him that seemed familiar m a nagging feeling though she was certain that she had never seen before. What surprised her was how her magic easily flowed over him.
Hearing the door open she turned, unconsciously taking up a defensive position over the sleeping man. A dark haired man wearing a lab coat entered looking at a data pad in his hands, muttering to himself. She watched as he glanced over, back to the data pad then doing a double take as he spotted her. As he took a step towards her she bared her teeth and let out a low warning growl. She had learnt not to trust scientists due to what Hydra had put her through so there was no way she was letting this one near.

"Easy now, I'm not going to hurt you." he tried to reassure her, holding his hands up and taking another step closer.
Growling louder she let her hackles rise and showed her canines, green tinged blue eyes never leaving him. She had heard those words before, too many times to trust them blindly. Usually they came right before the pain started. The scientist stopped again.

"Alright, easy. I just need to check his vitals, that's all." he said carefully.

Feeling somewhat protective of the raven haired man she firmed her stance and growled louder. Just as the scientist went to say something else the door opened, admitting a large blonde man in jeans and a long sleeved black top which looked as though it was barely containing his muscles. She recognised him from the clearing and was glad to see he was calmer but she was not going to let either of them near.

"Banner, how is my.....? What is the matter?" the big man boomed, entering the room and seeing the scientist with his arms up as though surrendering.

"Our fox friend is awake but won't let me near. It's as though she's protecting him." Banner said indicating the two patients.

"It is alright little one, we mean you no harm." the big man called cheerfully as he stepped towards her.

Though she felt an odd familiarity towards him she did not trust him either. Letting out her loudest growl yet she barked her warning, hackles rising more and stance more defensive. The message was clear, come closer and you'll be hurt. Seeing both men back up reassured her they had understood. As they backed up the door opened yet again, admitting the archer from the clearing.

"Hey doc, got anything for a headache?" he asked casually rubbing his head. Glancing around the room he took in the situation, an amused grin forming on his face. "Is the almighty Thor scared of a little fox?" he chuckled.

"It's not funny Clint. We can't get close enough to check his vitals." Banner said watching her from the corner of his eye.

As the men had backed off she had relaxed slightly but she was still alert. They may have saved her but she didn't know them so didn't trust them.

Clint turned to face her and moved slowly forward three spaces.

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