Chapter 8

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  Floating in darkness Loki felt something he hadn't felt in a long time.  He felt safe.  There was no pain or suffering, just a calm peaceful oblivion.  Stretching his mental senses out he tried to feel the strong constant flow of his Seidhr which was a constant in his life only to pull back, shocked.  Tentatively he reached out again to find only a small trickle, like sand falling ever slowly through an hourglass.  He had felt this way before, during a punishment from the Allfather as a child.  A Seidhr suppression cuff.  With this realisation came other sensations as the peaceful darkness started to fade, being replaced with the feel of his heavy, weary limbs.  Soon he could hear sounds, his groggy mind unable to distinguish the voices or words but one voice was getting louder.  Memories started to enter his mind, memories of arguments and punishments long gone. 

Memories of fighting and shouting, taunts and pain.  The memories had sharp and twisted edges and started to come faster causing him to start struggling.  The feeling of being restrained brought only more memories of pain and torture making him struggle more.

  Just as he felt he would drown in his fear and panic he felt a soft, gentle touch to his mind, as though asking to be allowed to help.  If he was more in control he would not have allowed it but he felt as though he was flailing in a river of memories and so grasped for the offered branch to help save him like a child desperate to be saved from the fast flowing current.  The presence was soothing and gentle, sweeping the memories away with care, not bothered by their content, enveloping him in what seemed to be a soft fluffy cloud.  As he calmed he felt a deep healing sleep begin to claim him, the last conscious thought that flitted through his mind was that the presence felt familiar but he could not for the life of him remember who it could be.


  As Tony tried to convince Bruce of the fox not being a real fox, having now placed the creature on the other bed in the room, his voice continued to rise, mainly due to the fact that he was exhausted. 

  "Fine," Bruce relented though Tony knew he still didn't believe him. "I'll see what I can do but I don't know the first thing about foxes".

  Nodding, Tony decided that he could really do with a drink after the events of the day though he knew they needed to have a full debrief yet to find out what had actually happened to set Point Break off on a killing frenzy.  Just as he was about to head to the door a startled gasp from Fandral drew all of their attention to Loki's once still form on the bed.  He was flinching and thrashing around, the sheet covering him twisting and tangling around his legs.  Fandral moved to hold him down which only made Loki struggle harder, letting out pained groans.  He somehow managed to get an arm free of Fandral's grasp and in his thrashing, hit him square in the face.  Giving a pained gasp the swordsman repositioned himself and got a better hold of Loki.

  As suddenly as it had started it stopped.  Loki started to calm, settling back into a relaxed deep sleep.

  "What the hell was that?" Tony asked into the stunned silence.


  The day passed with little to no change to the two patients.  Bruce had managed to hook an IV up to the fox and had been replenishing the fluids and nutrients to both.  He had done his best to examine the fox but animal biology was not his strong suit. 

  Early the next morning the Avengers and Asgardian warriors had all met in the conference room trying to decide what to do now.  During the first hour Sif had explained about what happened to Thor during the mission which resulted in the God of Thunder to apologise profusely.  All he could remember of the battle was engaging the Hydra agents, a smothering red rage and then seeing Loki stood in front of him. 

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