Chapter 12

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The comforting peace that had enveloped Loki in it's soft, gentle caress started to edge away as consciousness began to claim him. He felt the soft presence that had been helping him heal withdraw slowly, making sure that he was alright. He used a little of his limited Seidhr to softly caress the presence in gratitude before it had fully withdrawn from him. He could feel the weight of the Seidhr suppression cuff on his right wrist as well as a slightl weight on his chest which felt warm and soft. Slowly he moved his right hand up to feel what it was, questioning fingers being met with soft fur and warmth. He didn't want to open his eyes as he felt calm.

It wasn't long before voices started to invade his ears, faint at first but getting louder as they approached wherever he was. The voices were familiar and it took a moment for him to realise that they belonged to those Midgardians, the Avengers. Thor's friends. His breathing began to pick up as a spike of fear ran through him. What is going on? How have I gotten here? Questions flooded through his mind and he felt the furry creature shift slightly as though to reassure him. The voices were now in the same room as him and were now joined with Thor's loud voice. Thor is here too? He could tell by his footfalls that Thor had been sat nearby and had gone to stand with his friend. Though they were talking loudly Loki couldn't make out what they were saying as the fear flooded through him. I tried to destroy their world. It wasn't my fault but they don't know. I can't access my Seidhr! What if they set the green beast on me? They don't know I didn't have a choice. It was Him, He was in control!

As his internal panic continued to rise he could hear an incessant beeping which was getting faster and louder. The creature moved again in an attempt to calm him and he felt a soft press of Seidhr on his own but he was already lost in his own thoughts, pushing the presence away mentally. He also felt things attached to his left hand. What are they doing? Are they going to try and kill me? Is it a strange form of restraint? They don't know. I was too weak! The control was too strong! The need to escape filled him and he moved to his right only to fall. The fall was short and he landed roughly. Whatever had been attached to his left hand had been ripped away though at that moment he didn't care. He continued to shuffle back until he came in contact with a wall. Feeling something touch his shoulder he flinched and shuffled further away.

"Loki! Loki!" a strong and commanding voice penetrated through his panicked mind. No, it couldn't be! He won't help. He thinks I did it. There was too much fear racing through him. "Loki, open your eyes." the voice commanded.

Despite himself he needed to know if it was who he thought and not just another trick of his mind. Almost against his own will his emerald eyes snapped open to find familiar blue watching him, concern, fear and caution shining in their depths.


Thor had heard Stark and Banner coming down the hall, their voices carrying easily in the otherwise quiet area. He had been thinking back to when he and Loki had been younger and how they had played pranks on their friends when the voices of the two had broken him from his thoughts. As they entered the room he stood and moved towards them.

"His vitals are strong. Whatever the fox is doing is working. In fact I think she might not need to do any more." Banner was saying calmly.

"So he could awaken soon?" Thor questioned quietly, not wanting to disturb the two on the bed.

"I'd say it's a good possibility, though I'd still recommend rest even after and a few good meals. His body still needs to regain strength".

"Of course." Thor said happily. The knowledge that his little brother was healing well brought a lightness to him that he had not felt for some time.

"But we need to remember that his mind might need time to heal too Thor. If he was controlled and the last connection broken only recently he might need time or even counselling". The warning in Banners voice was clear.

"He's right." Barton's voice joined them as he entered the room, intending to swap with Thor to let him grab some food. "It's....Well, it might help".

The concept of mind healers wasn't altogether new for Thor as they did have them in Asgard but it was not common for one so young as Loki to seek their aid. It was usually much older Warriors who had been through and seen some of the worst battles of their history who would go. To think that his little brother may need their services brought a pain to his heart. Nodding to signify that he understood what Banner was saying he was distracted by Stark.

"What I'd like to know is why our foxy lady is so protective of Reindeer Games!" the millionaire said, some humour filtering into his voice. "Think she's got a crush?"

"Tony!" Banner sighed, shaking his head.

"Alright." Stark conceded, holding his hands up. "Has she transformed yet?"

"I believe she may have but only when she has been alone. It may be that she does not fully trust us yet." Thor said carefully.

Just as Stark went to say something else they were all distracted by the monitors around Loki's bed. Turning Thor saw how his brother had started to jerk around, as if trying to escape something, the fox jumping out of the way just before Loki fell from the bed, sensors and I.V ripping from him.

"Brother?" Thor asked, moving closer to the injured man. "Brother, it is alright. You are safe."

Loki shuffled to the wall and Thor realised that his eyes were being held tightly shut.

"Loki! Loki!" Thor called reaching out to his brother only for the younger God to shrink away from him and curl in on himself. Concern flooded through Thor but he knew he needed to get through to him. Using the commanding tone he had learnt from his father he hoped he would be heard. "Loki, open your eyes."

Emerald eyes were snapped open and darted around the room before landing back on the God of Thunder. The fear present in those green depths, especially when they landed on him took Thor by surprise. Loki had not been one to allow people to see his fear since he had been a child. What truly worried Thor was that Loki seemed to fear him and it did not sit well.

"You are safe brother. No-one will harm you, I swear it." The Thunderer said softly, noticing the flinch Loki gave when addressed as brother. Confusion entered Loki's eyes at Thor's declaration which hurt just as much as the fear. "I promise, you are safe."

Before anyone could say anything else a small gasp of surprise escaped Loki's lips and his eyes darted down. Following his gaze he saw the white fox nudge one of Loki's hands which were wrapped tightly around his torso, and gave it a small lick. A light huff of air escaped the Trickster's dry lips as he tentatively reached out to the creature, long elegant fingers gently flowing through it's fur.

Slowly those unusually expressive eyes closed as Loki took in deep ragged breaths, calming himself as he continued carding his fingers through the foxes fur, eliciting a small purring sound.

Carefully, so as not to startle Loki, Thor retreated back to the other men in the room who had been too shocked at what was happening to move.

"What the hell was that?" Stark asked quietly, shock bleeding through, eyes not leaving the sight of Loki curled up against the wall. "Did the God of Mischief just have a full blown panic attack?!"

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