Chapter 22

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It was an hour later when all of the Avengers, Loki and Carly met in the lounge. Loki had chosen to sit in an armchair somewhat set apart from the others. Thor had pulled a soft stool closer to him as though to reassure him he was safe. As much as it irked him the dark haired Prince also appreciated the gesture, not that he would admit to it. The rest of the Avengers were scattered around the room whilst Carly had chosen the other armchair. Loki noticed that she seemed tense and uncomfortable. Bucky had taken a seat close to her and was resting his hand on the chair arm. The young Prince once again felt the twist of jealousy and tampered it down. Even if she is Beira she doesn't know me. Her memories of our friendship are gone. I never told her how I feel and there's no telling if she felt the same. She is free to make her own choices.

"Alright Thor, what did you mean earlier?" Steve asked getting straight to the point. "What do you know?"

"You must first understand that it was not just Asgardians who visited Midg.... Earth thousands of years ago." the Thunderer began. "Others from the realms came, some of whom became entangled in other cultures just as we did. Soon some were seen as Gods as well. There was an incident around six hundred years ago and our father decreed that travel to your world was forbidden. We were not to interfere with your world until you could be seen as equals".

Loki rolled his eyes at that. As if any realm is equal to Asgard, Odin. he thought snidely.

"Obviously that didn't happen." Steve said indicating the two Gods.

"Well, no. I suppose not." Thor agreed with some embarrassment.

Loki decided to bring the conversation back to the matter at hand. "Despite the Allfathers ruling some had become integrated into certain cultures and refused to leave. As the Bifrost is controlled by Asgard the Allfather decreed that any who remained on Midgard were to remain there." he said simply. He knew why Thor had started with this knowledge though was surprised. Tact was not something his brother was known for.

"I don't understand, what does any of this have to do with me?" Loki could hear the confusion and desperation in Carly's voice. She wanted, no, needed to know. Her hands were clasped tightly together as she leaned forward.

"I believe you to be the Cailleach." Thor declared. And there's the lack of tact you are known for you oaf. Loki sighed as he shook his head.

"You mean from the Celtic beliefs?" Clint asked as confused looks were aimed at him. "The winter Goddess?"

"Isn't she described as an old hag though? No offence." Tony piped up, glancing to Carly. The confused looks changed to incredulous and astounded as they moved to the millionaire. "What? We can't do a bit of research?" Tony defended himself and the archer.

Loki wouldn't admit it but his opinion on these people was changing and he was impressed they had done their research. As Thor opened his mouth to continue Barton continued, resulting in a slight pout from Thor which the Trickster found slightly amusing until he heard what the archer said.

"Yeah but then again the myths also say Loki gave birth to an eight legged horse so unless that actually happened...."

"I beg your pardon?" the God of Mischief interrupted disgusted and shocked. "That's preposterous! I did not give birth to Sleipnir! How can you mortals possibly..." he trailed off seeing his brother shifting uncomfortably. Suspicions rising he turned to face him. "Thor?" The tone he used was one he had learned from Frigga when she would expect truthful answers from them.

"It was only said in jest." the oaf tried to defend himself, shifting slightly away from the dark Prince. "It was not meant cruelly, honestly. We thought it would be funny".

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