Chapter 15

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"You are very deep in your thoughts." a soft voice said from his left.

Looking up his eyes widened in surprise. "Allmother!" he exclaimed, standing but lowering his head in respect.

"I am wondering what could possibly trouble one of Asgards elite warriors that he would find himself in the Royal gardens." the Queen said indicating for him to reseat himself.

Surprised, Fandral took in his surroundings for the first time since arriving. He had not realised that his wanderings through the palace halls had brought him to here. Normally it was only the royal family or visiting royals who would be granted access to these gardens but Sif and the Warriors Three where with Thor so often they they were granted more liberties than most. Sitting carefully next to the now seated Queen he kept his head bowed, not feeling he could meet her gaze for the shame running through him.

"Perhaps your thoughts dwell on events that cannot now be changed." Frigga said calmly as though she already knew what he was thinking. "Events of the past help shape us into who we are but learning from our mistakes is how we can change".

"I......" the usually eloquent Warrior did not know what to say for once. Rubbing his hands on his knees he heaved a heavy sigh. "We abandoned our friend a long time ago." he finally admitted dejectedly, squeezing his eyes shut. The realisations of the last few days had made Fandral think on how alone Loki must have felt.

"And yet he did not abandon you." the gentle voice of the queen said, sadness heavy within. "Though you all shunned him he still watched over you, even going so far as to take the blame for some of your cruel pranks and decisions so that you would not all be punished."

Fandral's eyes shot up to the knowing blue gaze, shock and a tingle of fear running through him.

"Yes, I knew who was really responsible for what happened to Sif when you were younger. Do you really think I cannot tell when my children are hiding something? Loki knew and yet refused to tell anyone. My youngest protected you all too much." she said sadly.

"My Queen, I apologise. We were foolish and I did not..." he cut off his words at her raised hand.

"I know. Loki would take the punishment and you would not learn from your mistakes and foolish choices. That is why I made sure, for at least that incident, that you would." The mischievous twinkle that entered her blue eyes was reminiscent of the one that would enter the youngest Princes when he was planning a prank. "Do you truly believe that it was the Allfathers decision to have you train morning to night with the Einherjar or for Thor to have no weapons training and double lessons in the library for those two weeks?"

Realisation dawned on the swordsman as he remembered the days when Loki was in isolation. The weapons master had trained him all hours of the day until he had no energy left and wanted only to sleep. Thor, who revelled in fighting had been banned from stepping foot in the training fields and had been made to study the politics and laws of the nine realms. Neither boy had enjoyed themselves and after the two weeks were done Fandral had refused to even practice spar with his friends whilst Thor refused to go near the library.

"It was no more than we deserved." he said ruefully.

They sat in silence for a few moments feeling the warmth of the early morning sun upon them, Fandral thinking how he would make up for his foolishness if he would have the chance.

"Now," the Queen said softly, a gentle knowing smile gracing her beautiful features, "would you mind escorting me to the Throne room? I believe that the Allfather has made a decision."

Standing then giving an elegant bow he offered his arm to escort her. He knew better than to ask how she knew the King had made a decision as he knew he would recieve no answer.

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