Author notes

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If you have made it all the way here then I just want to say Thank You.  I hope you have enjoyed reading this fanfic as much as I enjoyed writing it.  Please feel free to let me know what you think and if you have any tips please share.  I have to say that as soon as I started writing this I couldn't stop, and by writing I mean actual pen and paper.  As I typed it up some changes were made, hopefully for the better. 

I kept putting off uploading the final chapter as I didn't want it to end, which it might not.  I have a few ideas for a follow up book....... Can I call it a book??  I mean, it is long enough.......  it's actually the longest story I've written to date.  Anyway, it might be a little while before I write the follow up as I have a few others on the go and ideas for more.  I will hopefully be posting up more stuff soon.

Take care of yourself and always be true to you. 
You are enough.

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