Chapter 17

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Another minute passed before the door opened admitting Banner and Thor, both deep in discussion.

"I don't know. All his vitals are good." Banner said, eyes glued to his data pad.

"Then why has he not woken?" Thor said, frustration heavy in his voice, though he tried to keep his volume down.

"Maybe there's more damage than we thought, or he needs more time to recuperate. I don't know Thor. I've never treated a literal God before, especially one who was in such poor health".

"Ahem." Loki cleared his throat. He did not particularly like hearing them discuss him as though he were not present.
"I know you're worried Thor." Banner continued. "I'm doing all I can. It would be easier if the fox would let me closer".

"Lady Fox is just trying to protect him." Thor said approvingly but neither man turned to them.

Loki glanced towards Carly as she padded back and jumped up next to him again, amusement fully shining in his eyes.

"Lab coat." was her disgusted response, causing a light, barely audible chuckle to escape the God of Mischief.

"Ahem." he tried again.

Still both men didn't pay attention as they moved to the desk at the far end of the room, too engrossed in their conversation to glance over.

"Could they be any more oblivious?" She asked him shaking her still damp fur.

"Possibly." Loki whispered calmly. He resisted running a hand through his also damp hair. "Though it is unlikely".

"I could get their attention." Carly's tone was innocent but the spark of mischief caught the Tricksters attention. In answer to his unspoken question she continued. "I could bite Thor's leg".

The laugh that flowed from him was pure amusement at the mental image that formed in his mind.

Loki's laughter seemed to be what was needed to gain the attention of the oblivious men as they both whipped round so fast that Loki was surprised they didn't fall over.

"BROTHER!" Thor boomed, moving so fast it was as though he teleported, enveloping the younger God in a bear hug, missing the flinch at the title. Carly barely managed to jump out of the way. "I am glad you are awake".

"Not for long if you don't let me breath you oaf!" Loki gasped, attempting to push the larger man off to no avail. His strength had obviously been affected by the last few years.

"Oh." Thor sheepishly released his brother but kept one hand on his shoulder as if to reassure himself that Loki was still alive. "I am sorry brother, I was just relieved to see you awake. I meant no harm".

Loki felt his jaw begin to drop but managed to control it, though he couldn't stop his eyes widening in surprise. Thor had just apologised. He thought he may have imagined it but the evidence was stood in front of him. The oaf was stood looking like a lost puppy.

Sighing softly Loki nodded his head. "I am fine Thor. Thank you for your concern". Thor's face brightened at his words and a large grin formed.

"It's good to see you recovering." Banner said hesitantly from behind Thor.

A low growl came from Carly and Banner took a step further back.

"Lady Fox, please, friend Banner just wants to make sure my brother is well." Thor said tiredly. Obviously this was an argument which had been going on a while.

Looking to the fox he took in her defensive stance. She was watching Banner closely, teeth bared, back arched, hackles and tail raised. Another low growl rumbled through her which made it clear she did not want to scientist near her.
"Please, Lady Fox. We must check that he is healing." Thor pleaded lightly, reaching a hand out but pulling it back instinctively. Loki managed to catch a glimpse of evidence of a bite mark before Thor brought his hand behind him.
As amusing as he found the fact that the God of Thunder and the mortal who could turn into a large green Brute seemed afraid of upsetting a fox he knew that it was time to bring it to an end. If they were going to punish him he would let them.

"Lady Carly, it is alright." he said softly, carding his nimble fingers through her fur. "I thank you for protecting me but you need to allow them to do what they must". The resignation that emanated from him seemed to worry the fox and the two men but he didn't care. He would take responsibility for his actions, even though it had been against his will. "Please, stand down".

Slowly Carly backed down a little. "I won't let him hurt you. He can check your vitals but if he hurts you he will regret it." she told him seriously.

A warmth settled deep in his heart at her words but he refused to let her be hurt because of him. Keeping eye contact with her he shook his head to tell her no.

"Umm, I just need to do a brief physical to make sure you're alright. It shouldn't take too long." Banner said carefully as he slowly approached. True to his word, the check up was quick and non invasive with Banner being gentle and considerate which confused Loki, making him wondering what was happening.

"Alright, everything looks good." the scientist said moving over to input more data on the computer. "Thor, you can take him to get a proper meal now if you'd like. I'm sure both he and our fox friend are hungry by now".

"Haha. I believe you just wish not to be growled at again Banner." Thor laughed turning to Loki. "Come brother, Lady Fox. We should go eat".

"You would allow a prisoner to roam freely?" Loki asked allowing a little of the confusion he felt to infuse his words.
"Prisoner?" Thor asked, his confusion openly displayed. "You are not a prisoner here Loki. Do you not remember what has happened?"

"I remember more than I wish to." he responded quietly as he closed his eyes, missing the worried looks the others shared.

"Brother." the Thunderer began but was upset to see the wince at the title. "We know that you were not responsible for the actions three years ago. We know it was not your fault.".

"What?!" Loki couldn't believe what he was hearing. Were they lying to him? He couldn't sense a lie but without his Seidhr he couldn't be sure.

"We have seen the proof that you were not in control of your own mind at the time. I am sorry that I did not realise sooner." The regret was heavy in his voice.

Loki felt as though his world had been flipped upside-down. Thor had just apologised again. He had not heard his brother apologise in over 700 years and now here he had done so twice in one day.

Feeling something nudge his hand snapped him out of his shocked stupor. Carly was nudging her way under his hand.

"Are you alright?" Her concerned voice entered his mind.

"I just.... I thought....." he whispered so only she would hear, not knowing quite what to say.

"I guess he can surprise you." she laughed bringing a small smile to his face.

"I suppose so." he admitted softly.

"Shall we go and eat?" Thor's unusually gentle voice drew their attention to tha fact that Thor and Banner were standing nearby.

They're worse than Eir's healers. he thought with a sigh. "Very well, although I cannot go attired in these garments and I believe that Lady Carly would appreciate some fresh clothing." At their confused looks he indicated the fox. "Someone rather rudely removed her clothing from the small washroom and did not replace them".

At his words he saw realisation spread across both men's faces as they glanced to the fox then quickly away. With a long suffering sigh the raven haired God had to wonder what passed for intelligence in this realm. As the two men dashed out the door to find clothing Loki could have sworn he heard Carly's laughter flow through his mind

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