Chapter 24

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  The meeting with the Allfather had not gone at all how Thor had expected it to.  The golden Prince had been trying to hold onto his anger and frustration, though Loki's residual Seidhr was making it next to impossible.  Upon entering the Throne room Odin had first greeted Thor and then requested an update on Loki.  The Thunderer was surprised but had explained what had transpired on Midgard and gave a brief report on his brothers health, not thinking that Odin would want details.  He also explained that his brother was taking two more days to rest before voluntarily returning to the cell.  At this declaration Odin had looked genuinely confused and hurt, until he spotted Fandral hovering nervously near the doors.  As the Allfather reassured Thor that Loki would not be imprisoned upon his return and that they understood that he was not in control of his own mind the Prince realised that he should have let Fandral tell him what had occurred but he had been worried for his brother. 

  The rest of the meeting had consisted of Odin explaining that they had sent out scouts beyond the nine realms to gather information as well as strengthening Asgards defenses.  Thor had to agree that this made strategic sense.  Whoever had been behind the attack three years ago had obviously wanted the Tesseract, but for what purpose? 

When Odin told him that Fandral had volunteered to go and watch over Loki he was surprised.  He had come to the realisation in the last few years that his friends did not care for his little brother.  It had been a strange realisation for him as it had made him question his own behaviour.  Thor had found it a 'bitter pill to swallow' as the Midgardians say.  He had been disgusted at how he had behaved and had come to understand what Loki had tried to tell him for centuries.  He needed to have an understanding of all of the realms and not just warfare.  The fact that Fandral had requested to protect Loki gave Thor hope that his friends were starting to come round too.

  As the meeting came to a close the Allmother swept into the room with a bright smile on her face.  "Thor, I am so glad to see you are well. It has been so long since you have been to visit." she greeted him warmly.

  "Mother." he responded, joy in his voice as a smile spread over his face.  Embracing her tightly he savoured the moment.

  "How is your brother?" Frigga asked softly.  There was so much concern in her gaze that he found he could not lie.

  "Physically he is healing well, many of the most recent wounds are now only fading scars." he started only to be interrupted.

  "Sif and the Warriors Three mentioned injuries." Odin said, concern colouring his words.  "We have questioned the guards yet none can explain them.  Has he said anything?"

"He has not. From what I understand, when he was in the cell he held a veil of Seidhr to hide his physical condition.  I do not know why he would do so if he were being tortured." Thor said confused.

  A sharp intake of breath drew their attention to Frigga who was stood with eyes wide in terror as her hands covered her mouth.  "It could not be!" Tears were threatening to fall from her eyes.

  "My Queen?" Odin went to her.

  "Seidkvelja." She whispered,  sorrow and fear mixing on her face.  The silence that followed was unpleasant.  The practice of Seidkvelja, Seidhr torture, had been outlawed during Bor's reign due to the fact that it would have the Seidhr welders own power attack the wielder.  The stronger the wielder the longer and more painful the torture would last until they died.  The last time it had been used the wielder had not been strong but they had suffered for two weeks before their Seidhr had boiled their blood, the screams were said to have echoed through the halls even after their death.

  "Has he recieved any more wounds?" Odin asked, urgency clear in his voice.

  "No, the last wounds appeared weeks old though he did not heal them."  Thor was confused. He had learnt about Seidkvelja at his parents insistence and knew that there must be more to it.

  "The curse must have been connected to something otherwise he would still be suffering.  Whatever it is it must have been lifted around the same time as the last wounds." Frigga said thoughtfully.

  "The mind stone!" Thor responded after some thought.  At everyone's questioning looks he continued.  "The mindstone is part of what was used to control Loki.  When my friends created the Vision, which is a synthetic being, they placed the mind stone into it.  That happened only a few weeks ago.  Vision said that upon his creation he felt a link to another being and terminated it as the link was not strong.  Perhaps that is what held the curse?"

  "Perhaps."  The Allfather looked deep in thought for a moment.  "The Mind Stone, the Aether.  It is no coincidence the Infinity Stones are coming into play.  We must find out what is happening".

  "There is something else." Thor said hesitantly, not sure how his parents would take this information. 

  "It is alright son, we already know that he may need the assistance of mind healers." his mother stopped him gently. 

  "We should have seen it much sooner and it shames me to know that it has taken this long for me to see it and now with all that has occurred he may not be the same." his father said, self recrimination obvious.

  Thor felt shock run through him.  None of this meeting had gone as he thought it would.  Not only had his father declared Loki innocent of the charges against him but he was also admitting that he should have helped the dark Prince sooner.  Add to all this the fact Loki had voluntarily said he would return to the cell and Thor felt mentally exhausted, he had not even gotten to the reason he had returned to Asgard initially.  Rubbing his head he could feel a slight headache form.

  "Your brother is not the only reason you have returned to us." Frigga said already knowing there was something else.

  "There is a Lady we have encountered, she helped the Avengers when I fell to the Blood Rage.  She weilds Seidhr and is much longer lived than Midgardians.  I believe she may be Lady Beira".  Shocked gasps met his declaration.

  "The Cailleach?  But how?" Odin asked as Fandral spoke.

  "Lady Fox?" 

  "Are you certain?" Frigga asked carefully.

  "She is missing many memories from her earlier life and those she has date back just over 400 years.  She can control her Seidhr to some degree though she has taught herself.  The resemblance is too strong for me to believe she could be anyone other than Lady Beira." Thor said confidently.

  "And your brother?  Does he believe it is she?" His father asked.

  "He tries to deny it but I believe he may.  They have already formed a friendship of sorts".  The slight grin on Thor's face had his mother shaking her head slightly.

  "Be mindful Thor." she chided him.  "You must remember how the news of Lady Beira's death affected him".

  That was something the God of Thunder could not forget.  Now with the knowledge that Loki himself had been there when it happened he realised that Heimdall had either delayed telling them or had not seen until after.  Thor was unsure of the reason but knew that it did not matter.  At the time his brother had locked himself in his chambers and refused to leave for days.  They had all thought that he was grieving for a long lost friend that he had not seen for centuries but now Thor knew it was more.  When almost a week had passed he had emerged but refused to speak of her.  His demeanor had changed somewhat, being more serious and closed off, and he would spend more time alone studying.  He would still play pranks but they tended to be less frequent.

  "If this is Lady Beira then you must know she will not be the same as you remember.  Much time has passed and events occurred that will have changed her." Frigga said gently.

  Thor sighed heavily.  "That is much the same as Loki said".

  "He is his mother's son." Odin said proudly.

  "Mother, I have come to ask if there is any way to help her remember."

  "The mind is a delicate thing, especially where missing, damaged or blocked memories are concerned.  It is not an easy task to delve into memories, even the mind healers would have difficulty." Frigga said shaking her head.

  "Loki said as much too." Thor chuckled sadly.

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