Chapter 27

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Tony Stark was now questioning whether the whole day was some strange kind of dream. After spending most of the night in the labs looking over the magic cancelling bracelet he had managed to get around three hours of sleep before grabbing some coffee and returning to the lab. The bracelet was really high tech and he started to wonder what other tech they had on Asgard and whether he could get his hands on some. After some more coffee he had met Steve and Clint in the conference room to go over some of the information they had pulled up from Hydra's files to see if there was any way to help Carly. Though they had all decided to put aside the images they found for now it was still something they would need to look into before long.

It wasn't long before some of the other Avengers joined them. With no answers to any of their questions they focused on tightening up security and watching out for Hydra's movements.

When Carly arrived and told them her history he had an inkling that the day was only going to get crazier and he was proven right when Loki said he would return to pay for a crime he had no control of. After Thor had gone back to Asgard they had left Loki in his room, not wanting to overwhelm him. Carly had wandered off, probably to her room Tony thought, and all the remaining Avengers met back up in the lounge. They talked not just about Carly's revelations but also what they could do to help Loki. Tony couldn't believe he was actually wanting to help the God of Mischief, it just seemed surreal.

It was getting late and they all agreed to take a break and get some food. With so many people living at the compound they decided to order Chinese food. With the amount of take out that they ordered on a regular basis Tony was convinced they were keeping them in business. Once the food arrived and it was set out on the counter he made up a plate and poured himself two fingers of whisky before moving over to the sofa's. Once they were all sat around either the sofa's or the table with their food Tony realised they were two people short.

"Anyone seen the Rock of Ages or Foxy Lady?" he asked the room at large.

"Limwaway." Pietro mumbled through a mouthful of food.

"Hey Roadrunner, say it don't spray it!" Tony said wrinkling his nose in disgust.

Before Pietro could even swallow to respond clearly the two in question walked into the kitchen area, causing Tony to almost choke on his mouthful of chicken. Loki was escorting Carly in as though she were a princess, her arm linked around his, whilst they were quietly talking. Taking a sip of his drink he watched as Carly explained all the different dishes to Loki before they filled their plates and sat at the island away from everyone else and continued their quiet conversation, he even saw her teach the God how to use chopsticks. It didn't take long for the genius to realise he wasn't the only one to take note of the two, though they tried to be discreet.

Soon conversations re started around the room, everyone trying to keep the atmosphere light. Talk turned to movies, music, and pretty much anything that didn't refer to current circumstances. A simple comment about The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit trilogies had turned into a debate on films versus books. Just as Bucky was making a point about how Legolas wasn't in The Hobbit books Tony felt his jaw drop. He had been watching the two at the island when Loki had stood gracefully from the stool, exchanged a few more hushed words with Carly, bowed and then left the room.

He actually bowed! It took a few minutes for him to process what he had just witnessed, by which point Carly had moved the plates to the sink and also left the room.
"What the fuck?" he breathed out.

"Language!" Steve responded automatically, barely glancing over from the conversation with Bucky.

"He just.......I mean he literally just bowed!" The disbelief was clear as was the shock on his face.

"Well, he was raised as a Prince." Nat said, a grin on her face. "It only makes sense".

"I think it was cute." Wanda added, a wistful look on her face.

"You know, I don't think I've even seen Thor bowing". Nat said, looking almost regretful.

"It was so graceful." Wanda continued.

"Cute?!" Tony's eyes were round in surprise. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Some of the most deadly women he knew were practically fawning over the God of Mischief. Oh, I have definitely not had enough to drink to deal with this. Reindeer Games keeps acting all regal, he's going to have a fan club.  I'm just glad Pepper isn't here.

"I think he's sweet on her." Steve added, officially joining the conversation. "They'd make a cute couple".

"Oh come on Cap!" Tony said throwing his hands up in exasperation. "Not you too?" I really haven't drunk enough for this.


The next day went by with no word from Asgard though they had gotten word that Hydra were up to something. Fury had asked for them to investigate a lead he recieved that Hydra were mobilising on the border of Norway and Sweden near where they had found Carly. Clint and Steve had gone with Nat and Pietro to check it out whilst Tony had gone to see Pepper as he hadn't seen her all week. Bruce had gone to meet with Dr Cho and would be gone all day. The three Avengers that remained at the compound, Vision, Wanda and Bucky, had all spent the morning training before heading off to do their own activities. Carly had debated joining them but changed her mind. She had instead spent the day reading in the library or in her room, joining the others when it was time to eat. Loki had not joined them, instead secluding himself in his room for the day. Carly had tried to get him to join them but he had refused politely so she had been leaving meals by his door. She hadn't wanted him to be alone but also understood that he was going through a lot.

The day past quietly, everyone occupied with their own things. When she turned in for the night Carly lay awake until the early hours. Though she was tired she didn't want to sleep, unsure where her dreams would take her. Slowly she got out of bed and padded quietly to the door. Barefoot she walked to the kitchen intending to get a warm drink. The compound was quiet, everyone asleep she assumed. Shivering slightly in her shorts and tank top she realised that it was coming to the end of November.

Arriving in the kitchen she was surprised to find one of the lamps in the lounge on. Turning her head she saw a figure sat on one of the armchairs, a book in hand. Moving behind the island she turned the kettle on and quietly pulled down a mug. Choosing a peppermint tea she waited for the water to boil.

"Are you well Lady Carly?" his smooth voice breezed over to her making her jump.

"I um, can't sleep. Sorry if I disturbed you." Her voice was soft as though she was afraid to disturb the calm atmosphere.

"You have not, I myself am unable to find rest tonight." he responded.

They were quiet for the rest of the time it took for Carly to make her tea though it was not uncomfortable. She had been about to offer him a cup but when she glanced over he had been lifting his own to his lips. Adding a teaspoon of sugar she stirred it, leaving the teabag in before adding just a splash of cold water and taking a sip. The warm flavour of peppermint spread over her tongue and down her throat, eliciting a hum of satisfaction.

Knowing it was too cold to stay in the open plan lounge in her current attire and wanting nothing more to curl up in the bed she was provided with under the warm blankets, she moved to go out the room.

"I hope you sleep well." she said before leaving the room, not expecting a response.

"Goodnight Lady Carly. I hope you find rest tonight." his voice reached her as she exited the room.

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