Chapter 2

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"Lady Sif, it is good to see you. It has been too long." Thor's voice boomed across the grounds of the Avengers compound as he went to greet the dark haired Warrior. It had been eight months since he had been back to Asgard and seen his friends due to unrest that had spread through the nine realms. He had only arrived on Midgard two days previously to see if everything was peaceful.

"My Prince." she greeted him clenching her right fist to her left upper chest and bowing her head in respect. "The King calls for your presence".

"Of course. I shall just tell my..." he was interrupted by Clint Barton calling down to him from an open window.
"Thor, we've got something." the blonde man called down before disappearing from view only to reappear two seconds later. "Maybe don't let Tony see that." he laughed, gesturing to the patterned circle that was a by product of the Bifrost which now adorned the once pristine lawn, before disappearing from view once again.

Laughing slightly Thor threw his arm around Sifs' shoulders and led her into the compound towards the conference room, ignoring her objections. He had been feeling extremely restless and felt the need for action.
"I'm telling you," Tony Starks' voice floated out of the conference room as they approached. "They're close to whatever it is they've been searching for. Whatever it is I'd feel better if they didn't get it".

"But what is it? Information? A weapon? We have no Intel." Banner asked as the two Asgardians entered the room.
"Does it matter? Whatever it is, they want it bad." Clint said, leaning casually against the central table. "They're out in force so that means they must have either found it or are really close".

"Alright everyone, there's no time to lose. Suit up, we'll meet at the landing pad in twenty." Steve Rogers said, standing up and heading to the door. "Thor, we've got Information that Hydra are out in force. We think they've found something big. You in?"

Thor could feel his adrenaline rise. "Of course my friends. I would be happy to join you." he said as the others went to get ready. "Lady Sif, you should join us." he added turning to the woman in question.

"But Thor, your Father..." Sif began, trying to object. There was a gleam in his eyes that sent a chill down her spine and worried her greatly.

"It will not take long Sif, then we shall go and see what it is my Father wants. Come, it will be fun".

Grinning widely he led her towards the hanger.


The atmosphere on the quinjet was a restless one. Sif was used to the wait before battle but this was different. Clint and Tony were in the cockpit whilst Steve, Thor and Sif were in the hold. The two men in the cockpit were bantering back and forth, trying to alleviate some of the tension, occasionally calling back to those in the back and receiving replies from Steve.

Sif had focused most of her attention on Thor. Something didn't feel right to her. The God of Thunder could not sit still and was currently pacing the small space, his hand fiddling with Mjolnirs' handle. She knew she had seen him like this before but could not remember when.

Looking at the men around her she could see the quiet confidence and hoped the stories Thor had told her were not exaggerated. She was disappointed that the others of this group had not joined them but understood. Natasha Romanoff had opted to remain at the compound with their newest recruits Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, Bucky Barnes and Vision whilst Bruce Banner had said he had something to do in the labs.

"Alright, putting her down now." Tony said as the pitch from the quinjet engine changed. It had taken them a few hours to arrive at their destination. Once they landed and disembarked the small group gathered together.

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