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Before we begin I would like to say that I unfortunately don't own any of the amazing Marvel characters (though I wish I did) and I can only hope I've done them justice.  The only character I own is Carly, who is based off Celtic beliefs. 

I would also like to state that I have changed a few things from the movies so that it better suits my needs so if you wanted a story that holds tight to the MCU this won't be for you, but I would love if you gave it a go anyway.

If you do decide to read then please leave me comments and let me know what you think.  Try to keep them kind.  If you don't like the story please just stop reading instead of ranting. 

This is the longest story I have written so far so will take a while to fully upload so I don't really know how many chapters there will be.  With any luck you'll be with me until the end.

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