Chapter 28

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Loki had spent the day in his room reading the selection of history and fiction books he had taken from the library the previous night. He had spent some of the day trying to sort out his memories, smoothing out the jagged edges, to the point where he felt more like himself. When Carly had tried to convince him to join the others he had declined, feeling that he would not be welcome, so when she left food outside his door he was surprised. He had not expected her or any of the others to show such care and it warmed his heart.

As the day progressed he found his thoughts turning towards what would happen on his return to Asgard. Loki was certain that Odin would not care that he had been controlled, possibly claiming it a trick of Loki's to gain his freedom, and send him straight to the cell as soon as he stepped foot in the Himinbjorg no doubt with an armed escort of Einherjar. Even if Thor tried to object it would do no good, the God of Mischief would be isolated in the deepest parts of the prison and left forgotten. Idly he wondered whether they would leave the cuff on, denying him even the comfort of the small amount of Seidhr the cells allowed. Loki wouldn't be surprised if that were the case. The thought of running crossed his mind but there was no point. With the cuff on he would not be able to conceal himself from Heimdall's gaze and even if he could He might find him. Loki only hoped that He thought him dead from the Seidkvelja, though he worried Asgard may be in danger due to the Tesseract being in their vaults. Odin may not know what it contained but Loki did. The Space Stone.

As night fell Loki headed to the lounge for a change of scenery knowing that the others would have retired for the night. After making some tea he had sat down and started to read one of the books he had brought with him. He had heard the Avengers speaking about a book series the night before and Carly had said she'd seen a copy in the library. He was a few chapters into the Lord of the Rings, Fellowship of the Ring when he heard movement behind him at the kitchen. Surprise had shot through him seeing Carly there, especially in so little clothing, and after a brief exchange she had gone back to her room.

As much as he tried to stop it hope was building in his heart that she was Beira, though he also felt sorrow. Regardless of whether she was or not he would not be seeing her after tomorrow as he would be in his cell. At least she will be alive. he thought determined. I only hope mot..... the Allmother can help her.

Glancing out the window he saw that night had truly settled in though the sky was clouded over so no stars were visible. Standing he collected his now empty cup and moved to the kitchen. After rinsing his cup he picked up a data pad, opening up an empty file. Unsure if what he was about to do was a good idea he moved back to where he had been sitting. Despite the fact that Odin would not believe what they had found they had still tried to prove his innocence and had treated him well. Loki felt that he now owed them a debt, which made him uncomfortable. The only thing he could do to repay them was to give them information with which they could try and prepare themselves. With his resolve strengthened he started typing all that he knew of Him. Thanos.


Carly awoke feeling rested. Blinking to clear her vision she could feel dampness on her cheeks. Sighing heavily she headed to the bathroom and started the shower. With a stretch she quickly stepped out of her night clothes and under the stream of warm water. A small moan of pleasure at feeling the flow run over her shoulders and down her back escaped her lips. Her muscles started to unwind and relax as the water cascaded over her, soaking through her long hair. After making sure to use some of the products that were provided she reluctantly stepped out, wrapping one of the large fluffy towels around herself. After dressing in a pair of black leggings, dark green long sleeved top and pair of knee high boots she went to get something to eat.

Entering the kitchen she found Bucky drinking a mug of coffee at the island.

"Morning." she greeted him as she moved to grab a cup herself.

"Morning. I didn't think anyone would be up yet." he said surprised.

Glancing at the time she realised that it was only 6:43. The sun wasn't even up yet. Shrugging she poured some of the coffee from the pot, adding a little milk and sugar before sitting down to join him.

"Didn't want to go back to sleep." she told him simply. Taking a sip of her coffee she grimaced. A deep chuckle came from beside her.

"Sorry, I tend to have it strong".

Carly smiled slightly, giving him a nod before taking another sip. Savouring the still somewhat bitter taste she enjoyed the comfortable silence that settled over them.

"Bad dreams?" Bucky asked softly sipping his own coffee.

"Mhmm." she responded with a slight nod. "You?"


Carly didn't push for information just as Bucky didn't. She realised that he must have experienced something similar, if not worse, than she had and on some level understood. Some memories, she felt, should not need to be relived.

"I'm heading to the training rooms if you want to join me." he offered after a while.

"No thank you. I think I might just go for a walk".

Standing, he took his mug to the sink before leaving the room. Carly took her time finishing her coffee before placing her cup in the sink too. Seeing the early morning sun shining through the window she checked the time, 7:54. Making a last minute decision she looked up at the ceiling and feeling a little silly she spoke.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y, could you tell me where Loki is please?" Wanda and Vision had explained about the A.I the day before and she hoped it would be able to help her.

"Mr Odinson is currently in the library Miss." a soft female Irish voice replied politely

"Thank you." she said, grateful that it had worked.

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