Chapter 34

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The next few days passed with Carly spending her time with the Avengers in training and getting to know them. She had also spent some time talking to Thor, Fandral and Loki, testing her memory and powers. Her memories were all intact apart from the of the last night that she had seen Loki. She remembered attending the party, the fire spreading and someone pulling her away from Loki but that's where everything went hazy. As much as she tried she couldn't get that memory whole.

Feeling the warm water from the shower run down her body, relaxing her muscles Carly breathed out a long sigh of contentment. For the past three hours she and Loki had been training out on the Eastern lawn. Tony had decided that they should train outside if using their powers and seeing as that lawn had already been used as a battlefield they may as well use it. She had enjoyed herself training her Seidhr and hand to hand with Loki. It was as though they had been dancing gracefully around each other, predicting most of each others moves.

Curious about the extent of their powers some of the Avengers had chosen to watch them. Once they had finished training they had been met with exclamations of surprise and awe. Though they had played little pranks on the others the past few days they had never seen a display like they had that morning. The shower had helped sooth her aching and tense muscles which she was grateful for. Turning off the shower she stepped out, wrapping a large soft towel around her. Grabbing another she wrung out her hair and wrapped it. Moving to the wardrobe she selected a pair of fleece lined leggings and an oversized shirt. Once dressed she towel dried her hair before putting socks and a pair of ankle boots on.

Leaving her room she headed to the kitchen to get herself a snack. As she went through the halls she saw that Tony had put up some Christmas decorations. Arriving in the lounge she saw Tony watching Steve and Bucky setting up a large tree. The two super soldiers seemed to be making quick work of it while Tony gave unhelpful tips. With a small grin she moved over to the kitchen and started to make a mug of tea and a plate of snacks. As she prepared her snacks Clint entered the lounge carrying a large box. She watched as he put it down next to Tony and went to open it Tony stopped him. She couldn't hear what they said but she saw Clint nod before heading back out the room.

Once her tea and snack were ready she picked them up and headed to the library which was quickly becoming her favourite room in the compound. After putting her tea and plate on the table she moved over to the shelves and had a look. Going over to the fantasy section she picked up Wit'ch Fire by James Clemens and moved back to curl up on a sofa.

Halfway through the second chapter she absentmindedly took a sip of her tea and frowned. Looking at her cup she noticed a little steam rising from it and when she sniffed it the smell brought up memories. Taking another sip, a fond smile spread across her lips as she closed her eyes, savouring the taste of honey blossom and strawberry.

"Thank you. I haven't had this in so long. I can't believe you remembered." she said softly.

"Why would I forget?" Loki said as he sat next to her.

Placing her book down she took another sip of her tea. They sat in a comfortable silence for a while, just enjoying each others company. After a while she noticed that Loki had started to rub his fingers, a sure sign that he was nervous. Carly suspected she knew what was bothering him.

"You're going back to Asgard." she said calmly.

"There are some things that need to be dealt with." he said resigned. "I cannot put it off for much longer".

"When are you going?"

"Thor is insisting that we leave tomorrow morning. He claims there is something important to be done tonight."

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