Chapter 10

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As Clint moved forward he held his hands out to the sides to show he meant no harm. The fox had tensed up once again and was watching him carefully. After three steps he stopped and slowly pulled a chair over, thankful that it had wheels on it. Slowly he sat down, keeping his movements slow and his hands showing.

"Hi there." he said softly. "My name is Clint Barton and this is Bruce Banner and Thor." He indicated to each man respectively as he introduced them. "I'm glad you're alright. Thank you for helping us stop Thor, I doubt we could have without you".

The fox looked at him for a moment before nodding its head. Behind him Clint could hear Thor shuffling uncomfortably.

"We really don't mean you any harm but we do need to make sure he's alright." the archer said keeping his voice soft. "As you can see he's in pretty bad shape and we want to help. My friend just needs to check the monitors there." he pointed behind the fox. "He won't touch him. You can even stay with him if you want".

The fox took a few minutes to think, her intelligent eyes flicking between the three men as if deciding whether to trust them or not. Slowly she nodded her head. Clint gave a slight nod in return and Bruce carefully made his way over to check the monitor. The fox stayed on alert, watching carefully. After reading the monitors Bruce made his way over to the computers at the other side of the room and started inputting data.

"He's healing but it's slow." Bruce reported as he worked. "He's going to need more fluids and nutrients but he should be fine, physically speaking. It might be a few days before he wakes up."

"He would heal faster if he had access to his Seidhr." Thor grumbled.

"You keep saying that, Seidhr. What is that exactly?" Bruce said curiously.

"Seidhr is...... Hmm, I believe you would call it magic. It is normally women who practice the craft but it is not unheard of for men to do so, though it is not usually encouraged." Thor said carefully. "Loki insisted that it was just as useful as any weapon and was a Master at the craft. My mother taught him much..." Thor said, getting a little lost in his thoughts.

"So if he had access to his Seidhr he would heal faster?" Bruce said, sounding wary. "I don't think that's a good idea".

"He would." Thor said but then slumped slightly. "Though with the cuff on he cannot and I am unable to remove it".
"Why not?" Clint asked turning to face the blonde God.

"The cuff has been designed to suppress the Seidhr of the wielder. It is of my brothers own design and can only be unlocked by a key which my father carries".

"Hold on." Clint said shocked. He wasn't sure he liked what he just heard. "You're telling me that the thing that stops him using magic is the very thing he designed? I can't decide whether that's karma or an insult". Though he was the one to realise that Loki may have been controlled through the mind stone he still felt a little animosity to the God, he did after all use that Scepter on him.


The fox looked at the men then down to the one she was protecting. Spotting the cuff on his right wrist she studied it closely. It was a large black band with silver runes engraved within it. At first glance she would have thought it an accessory but when she used her magic threading to it she could feel her magic being repelled. Knowing she would not be able to remove it with her powers she glared and attempted to remove it with her jaws, receiving a jolt through her system in return. Trying again she recieved a more powerful jolt which made her already aching muscles tense. Knowing she wouldn't be able to remove the cuff she turned back to the three men who had continued talking.
"... for him to attack us again." Banner said shaking his head.

"But if what we think is true should he not be treated as innocent? The Allfather might...." Thor began only to be interrupted by Clint.

"It's not a risk we can take yet Thor. There's no concrete evidence, only our suspicions and substantial evidence. You said yourself he's unstable right now, there's no telling how he could react waking up here. Give it time. Until we have solid proof the cuff needs to stay on". The archer placed a hand reassuringly on Thor's shoulder.

Looking back down to the prone man she couldn't help but want to help him. The pull she felt to this man was confusing, it was like a long forgotten memory or dream. She felt comfortable and safe with him despite the fact he was unconscious and she was certain she didn't know him. Pushing that aside she decided that if he couldn't use his own power to help heal him and the cuff didn't seem to stop her using hers then she would help. Curling up carefully on his torso and closing her eyes she stretched out with her powers in a way she couldn't remember having done before though it seemed natural. Slowly and carefully she touched his power, offering to share and help heal. Tentatively his power reached back, as though scared of being hurt. She gently sent warmth through him, trying to show that she only wanted to help and only if he allowed it. She would not force him to accept her offer. Slowly, cautiously he allowed her to help, wary still of her intentions. Carefully she allowed her magic to flow between. Sensing movement nearby she snapped her now glowing eyes open to find Thor edging closer. Letting out a low warning growl she glared at him.

"Lady Fox," he said in a much softer voice than she thought him capable of. "I truly mean no harm. I would just like to sit and watch over my brother".

Thinking over the current situation she realised that she wouldn't be able to guard her charge as she was helping to heal him. If this man was truly his brother then he wouldn't allow any harm to come to him. Nodding slowly she granted him permission to approach.

"Thank you Lady Fox, for not only protecting my brother but for helping heal him. I owe you a debt that may never be repaid." the blonde said bowing his head.

Surprised that he had realised what she was doing she looked closer at him. There was a small sincere smile on his face though she saw sadness in his eyes.

Feeling the pull on her magic she allowed her eyes to slowly close and she drifted into sleep hearing Thor's quiet promise.

"I shall let no harm come to either of you".

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