Chapter 31

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Three hours had passed and Thor and Fandral had refused to leave the medical wing. Neither Carly or Loki had regained consciousness which had everyone concerned. Vision had contacted Dr Banner as soon as they had gotten to the medical wing and he had arrived after two and a half hours. After examining Carly he had found only minor cuts and bruising and established that she was just exhausted. He was now attempting to examine Loki but was unable to do so fully due to being unable to touch him.

Bucky, Wanda and Vision had gone to review the security footage after contacting the rest of the Avengers, informing them of what had happened. Vision had patched the security footage through to a data pad so that the Asgardians could review it as well. Fandral had been grateful as, though he had been curious to what had transpired, he had been unwilling to leave Carly's or Loki's side and knew that Thor would not either. What they had seen surprised them both. Carly and Loki had practically danced around the Hydra soldiers as though they had been dancing at a ball. The fight had lasted for only around fifteen minutes as the two had quickly dispatched the soldiers with either magic or ice forged blades. When they saw Loki crumple to the ground after being shot Thor had looked ill. The sight of Carly killing the man who had shot the young Prince had brought the Thunderer a little pleasure though the fear and concern would not leave him.

"I should not have left them unguarded." Thor said, frustration clear in his tone. "This was my fault".

"My friend, they will be fine. This was not your doing." Fandral said carefully. "We did not leave them unguarded."

"Then how do you explain this?" Thor said agitated, waving his hand to encompass the two in the beds. "If I had been here this would not have happened!"

"Or it may have happened anyway!" Fandral retorted. It surprised him how annoyed he felt with his friend at this moment. Thor was acting as though Loki was defenceless and after what they had just watched it was obviously far from the truth. "You know that Loki does not like to be fussed over and is perfectly capable of looking after himself and from what we have seen I believe Lady Carly is too." A note of pride entered his voice as he spoke, remembering the chaos that had greeted them.

"I know." Thor said resigned. "I just..."

"Alright, does someone want to explain why my beautiful lawn now looks like Elsa's frozen ice Palace?" Tony Stark exclaimed loudly as he entered the room, cutting off Thor before he came to a sudden stop as his eyes landed on the patients. "What happened to Ice Cube? And who's the Smurf?"

"Easy Tony." Banner said resting a hand on the inventors shoulder. "Hydra paid a visit. They were after Carly but she and Loki stopped them. Unfortunately they were both hurt in the process".

"What?" Tony's look of surprise almost made Fandral chuckle. "Hydra were here? What the hell? I thought I'd tightened security! How did they get through?"

"They made it through on the Eastern side. We don't know how they didn't trigger the proximity sensors." Banner said shaking his head as he looked over the scans he was taking of Loki. "Carly is alright. In fact, I think she should regain consciousness soon". Fandral heard Stark release a sigh of relief at the news but he and Thor were still tense.

"That's good." Stark said, then indicating Loki he continued. "So, who's the Smurf and what's wrong with him?"

"That is my brother Stark, and you will show him some respect!" Thor stated, starting to stand. Fandral placed a restraining hand on the Thunderer's shoulder, easing him to sit back down. The look of surprise on Starks face as he looked between Thor and Loki was priceless.

"Wait, are you telling me that's Loki? What the fuck did I miss?"

"The problem is that whilst Loki is in this form I can't examine or treat his wounds properly. His surface temperature is so low that it'll give anyone that touches him frostbite. From what the scans show, the bullet was removed and the wound has healed considerably but it still has a long way to go. I couldn't even guess at how long it will take to fully heal or how long it'll be before he wakes up.

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