Chapter 5

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It was only a few minutes after the warrior woman had gone before large cracks had started to appear in the ice dome surrounding the red caped warrior. The mysterious woman was straining with trying to reinforce it but she knew it wouldn't be long before he broke free.

How she had let herself get involved she had no idea. She could have just run when these people had arrived and engaged the hunters, she could have been far away and safe but there was something familiar about the swords woman and the hammer wielder that had held her here. What it was she wasn't sure but it had prompted her to stay and help.

Trying to reinforce the dome was taxing her abilities, she hadn't used this much of her power at one time for as long as she could remember and she could feel the strain. Knowing she would not be able to confine him until the warrior woman returned she braced herself.

"Be ready! I can't hold him much longer." she called to the three men who had gathered nearby.


With a final deafening crack the ice dome blew apart, the shards blasting out around them. Clint ducked behind Iron Man while Captain America used his shield to protect himself from the ice. The mysterious woman who had been closer to the dome had been blown back from the blast, transforming back into the Arctic fox once again, landing gracefully on her four paws.

Suspense held heavy in the air as everyone held their breath, waiting to see what would happen. The seconds felt like minutes as Thor breathed heavily until his eyes lifted from the ground to land on Iron Man. Before anyone could even blink Mjolnir was hurtling towards Stark. The impact sent hum flying backwards, narrowly missing Hawkeye who only just managed to roll out of the way. Unfortunately his movement caught Thors attention and he ran towards him. As Captain America ran to intercept Thor before he could reach the archer, what appeared to be a small localised blizzard started forming around Thor, small shards of ice flying towards the Thunderer, slowing him slightly but also enraging him further.

Cap leapt forward, grabbing hold of Thor's arm, intending to attempt and restrain him but had underestimated just how strong his friend really was. It quickly became apparent how much Thor held back in training. Wrenching his arm from the supersoldiers grip as though it was nothing before swinging his fist towards him. Cap managed to avoid a few hits until he was struck solidly in the chest, sending him back towards the tree line. Landing, Cap managed to roll back to his feet but remained crouched, winded, each breath sending a stabbing pain flaring through his chest.

"Don't get too close!" he gasped out through the comms, watching as Iron Man started blasting the ground in front of Thor to cover Hawkeyes retreat to the trees. The fox was running around sending shards of ice to try and slow down the God of Thunder. As the Thunderer tried to close in on Iron Man he would throw Mjolnir out but Stark would avoid as best he could, occasionally taking a glancing blow but not enough to destabilise him, resulting in Thor screaming out in fury. Cap had realised that although he sometimes used the enchanted hammer, Thor was using more and more Brute strength. There was no strategy, just pure mindless destruction. "Try to keep him contained but keep your distance." he called, sending his shield out towards the God's legs in an attempt to trip him.

"Easier said than done." Hawkeye panted, having finally reached the tree line and jumping into the nearest tree. Wasting no time the archer jumped to the next tree, barely making it before Mjolnir was sent crashing through the space he had just been.

Somehow, Cap noticed, the small fox had gotten close to the God of Thunder without said God spotting her, and was now forming thick ice around his feet, slowly letting it crawl up his legs, effectively stopping him in his tracks. Thor struggled to move, small cracks forming in the ice then his glazed blue eyes spotted the fox. With one solid swing from Mjolnir the little fox was sent sailing through the air, landing on the far side of the clearing in a cloud of disturbed snow, unmoving. The cracks in the ice becoming bigger.

"We can't keep this up much longer guys!" Stark said sounding strained. The dents in his armour showing just how strong the hits from Mjolnir had been. Cap knew that none of them could hold the God off for long. Hawkeye would occasionally fire his trick arrows to try and distract him then move position before Mjolnir was sent in his direction while Iron Man would carve furrows through the snow and ground to hinder forward progress and push Thor back a couple of steps. Cap himself had been using his shield to distract him until it had been violently struck aside with Mjolnir. He really didn't want to attempt hand to hand with Thor in his current condition. The initial strike from Thor had resulted in a couple of cracked, possibly broken, ribs. He had lost track of how long they had been trying to contain Thor, it couldn't really be called fighting, he just hoped that Sif would hurry up.

Suddenly an arrow whipped past his ear, hitting the ground at Thor's feet. With a small explosion a goop of blue slime enveloped the ice and snow, spreading to cover the God's feet to his ankles before almost instantly solidifying.

"That should hold him a little longer." Hawkeye said through the comms, voice tight with pain and sounding exhausted.

"Somehow I doubt it'll hold. You OK?"

"Got caught by a branch, I'll live".

"Anyone got eyes on the fox?" Cap asked glancing across the clearing.

A loud roar from Thor diverted their attention as he used Mjolnir to destroy the bonds holding him still.

"Damn, can't catch a break." Iron Man said, taking aim for the area in front of Thor once again.

Just before Thor could move a roar of sound came from above and as the clouds gathered and a pillar of rainbow light descended into his path, creating a small blizzard from the snow as it connected to the ground. When the Bifrost receeded it had deposited five people. Sif had returned with three armoured men, weapons held ready.

The Avengers eyes widened to saucers as they recognised the tall dark haired man stood at the front of the group, dressed in black and green leather.


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