"Because you're the biggest hero of this war, Master, and I'm sure everyone in the Kingdom of Houston is singing your praises."

Hanson's expression turned solemn.

"As your disciple, I am incredibly proud and honored to serve under such a remarkable master."

"So am I, Master! Your greatness is an inspiration to us all."

Raymond winced at the heartfelt words of Hanson and Lyndon.

'I'm a war hero, even if I haven't fully grasped it yet...'

Nevertheless, they weren't mistaken.

He truly was a hero.

It was a fitting conclusion to the war.

The respectful glances from his fellow soldiers confirmed it.

Raymond felt a gentle flutter in his heart.

'Once a despised bastard, now a hero.'

He clenched his fists.

'I won't let it end here; I'll achieve even greater glory and ensure no one can belittle me again.'

He was determined to keep striving until his name echoed throughout the continent of Leifentina.

With that, he made his resolve.

"I believe our destination is just ahead, brother. Our home base is in sight."

Rao said.

Now they were returning to the Kingdom of Houston after their final battle.

As they were heading back to the Kingdom of Houston after their final battle, they had planned to rendezvous with the main body of the Houston Kingdom army along the way.

But something seemed amiss about the main force in the distance.

"What is it?"

Raymond scratched his head.

'Why are they lined up in formation?'

Raymond frowned.

There were a lot of soldiers standing in formation.

They were standing in formation, as if they were preparing for a significant event.

'What is this? Could there still be remnants of Archduke Berard's forces resisting?'

Raymond pondered.

Duke Leif approached Raymond's side.

It's worth noting that Duke Leif had undergone a successful second esophageal surgery.

Since then, he had been receiving intensive care from Raymond and had significantly recovered.

"It seems they're awaiting your arrival."


"That's not a battle formation. It's ceremonial, a display reserved for the most distinguished guests. I'm quite certain they are waiting for you."

Raymond's expression revealed his disbelief.

"You can't be serious."

Duke Leif's tone remained resolute.

"That's correct. You are the hero who saved the Kingdom of Houston. Such an honor is well-deserved."

But Raymond couldn't believe it.

So many soldiers were lined up because of him?

A tremendous formation that would be shown when welcoming a king?

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