While it might not have been an extraordinary attack, it was fast and surprisingly strong.

It could even be compared to the strikes of the advanced Sword Experts surrounding him.

As a Sword Master, Kalis could have blocked it easily.

But the problem lay elsewhere.

'Why this angle?'

The attack was coming straight for his right shoulder.

The problem was, he couldn't dodge it.

'If I dodge that, it'll throw me completely off balance.'

In this one-on-many fight, Kalis had to consider the angles of the other swords aimed at him.

Dodging Raymond's attack would create a dangerous gap that his opponents could exploit.

'Damn this!'

For a moment, Kalis swore.

He would give him his right shoulder.

Even if he dodged and exposed the gap, he was done.

It was a one-two punch.

'How does he do this?'

Kalis made his choice.

If his right shoulder is pierced, he is incapacitated.

He dodged Raymond's attack,


Duke Leif, Elmud, and the other knights took advantage of the gap.

Elmud was the first to strike.

A fierce blow tore through Kalis's back.


Behind him was Muhad, the Lan warrior.

Kalis barely dodged the blow.

He parried a series of blows from Viscount Thys of the Kingdom of Droton, but he couldn't avoid being knocked completely off balance.


The moment he met Duke Leif's icy eyes, he knew his fate.



Duke Leif's aura blade pierced Kalis' heart with precision.


After the battle, silence descended.

Everyone looked at Raymond in awe.

They all knew.

They were shocked, especially those who had been with Raymond for so long.

'How did Master do that?'

'I knew Brother had talent with the sword, but this...'

'Is my lord truly great with the sword as well?'

Of course, they all knew that Raymond was talented with the sword, but the attack he had just executed was on a whole different level.

First of all, the speed and strength behind it were comparable to that of an advanced Sword Expert.

It was astonishingly strong, yet surprisingly crude-just a simple straight line, as if someone who didn't know how to use a sword had delivered it.

And yet, the power and impact of the strike were incomprehensible.

It defied the conventional understanding that the strength of a sword strike came from a perfect stance and a well-executed sword path.

Even more astonishing was the exquisiteness of the attack.

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