"There is one thing I would like to ask of you."

Was it because of the skill enhancement?

A strong charisma pervaded his voice.

The Lan warriors held their breath and listened to Raymond's words.

"I won't make this long, but please come back alive, that's all I ask of you. Come back alive and let's bask in victory together."

This was Raymond's sincerity.

He genuinely hoped that no one would have to pay the ultimate price in this warfare.

As a healer, his responsibility lay in safeguarding people's lives, and he couldn't help but wish for the sacrifice to be minimized.

In the presence of the Lan warriors, Raymond's sincerity was palpable.

They stood silent for a moment, emotions welling up within them.

Then, one by one, they raised their voices in unison.


"We will be victorious!"

"Long live the Prince of Houston! Long live the Light of the Foreign Lands!"

Their farewell shout reverberated across the desert as Raymond left the dwelling of the Lans, accompanied by 3,000 of the Lan's bravest warriors.

Now it was their turn to march towards the capital with the young king.


First, Raymond met up with Macapell III at his rendezvous point.

Thanks to Lyndon's nursing at the Winter Palace, Macapell III was almost fully recovered.

There was more good news.

"Greetings to Baron Penin, light of the Houstonian army. I am Baron Melik of Droton."

"I am Viscount Thys."

Thanks to Macapell III's secret communications, several nobles from Droton had joined the party.

While their soldier count wasn't substantial, around 500, when combined with the Lan warriors, their force numbered about 3,500.

They shouted in triumph, sensing an opportunity.

"The capital is empty now!"

"We must attack the capital immediately!"

Raymond shared their sentiment.

The recent victory of Marquis Durak had left Archduke Berard intoxicated with pride, leading him and his men northward, leaving the Drotonian capital with weakened defenses and devoid of soldiers.

It became a race against time, as they needed to capture the capital and declare Berard a traitor before he returned and realized the situation.

As they approached the magnificent castle, the soldiers who remained inside the capital were taken aback.

"N-no? What is that?"

"Enemy invasion!"

The sudden appearance of the enemy caused panic among the soldiers.

Just then, King Macapell III rode forward on his horse and proclaimed with authority.

"I am Macapell III, King of Droton! I have returned, and you shall all open the gates!"


Droton's soldiers squinted.

The young king!

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