He felt it all the time, this system.

It often throws quests at him without warning.

He was stumped, but then messages came to mind.

[They are unfairly blocking you from trying to help your patient.]

[This is a clear 'Jerk'! Your opponent's jerk power is confirmed as 'low'.]

[The 'Jerk Coping Mechanism' is triggered!]

Suddenly, an idea popped into Raymond's head.

'I don't have to solve the problem with the quest.'

Raymond looked at the clear condition.

'Cure the disease. So I just need to get a good result, but not necessarily free their minds.'

Raymond decided to go the other way.

"Very well, let's all just go back."


"We're not here to beg. We're here to help them, and this is not how they treat us. Let's just go back."

Raymond threw a fit.

'I didn't do anything wrong, so why do I have to go out like that?'

Then he thought.

'And they are a race of warriors who worship the strong. I can't go out weakly and bow down, it'll only make me look ridiculous and it won't work. I have to go out strong. We're not sorry! It's you who should be!'

He had to make them feel this way so he could get the story right.

The other man was silent.

Raymond shrugged and turned away.

"It is what it is. They say they don't need our help. We'll have to go to the Horns next door. I'm sure they'll be grateful for our help."

The Horns.

Longtime rivals of the Lan.

The Lan had been chosen as a negotiating partner because they were more moderate, but in this case, it was worth considering talking to the Hon.

Raymond's group actually turned their backs and prepared to leave.

Finally, the other man spoke up.

"Wait, stranger, how can you help us? Let's hear your story."

"I am here to help you with the 'desert bug' that's been plaguing you for hundreds of years."

"Desert bug?"

The other man stiffened for a moment. But then he broke into a huge smile.

"What nonsense! Desert bugs have been around for hundreds... No, maybe thousands of years, they've been plaguing the people of the desert, and you're going to come out of nowhere and solve it?"

The other man frowned.

"So they're imposters after all."

An invisible force radiated from the man's body and focused on Raymond.

This was the Lan secret technique of concentrating one's life force into submission!

The Lan used this technique to assess the will of their opponents.

But Raymond only flinched for a moment, and then withstood the life force.

[You're being unfairly pressured to do things for your patients!]

[Skill, 'Heart of Steel' is manifesting!]

He had a Heart of Steel that had reached rank C!

"Think what you will."

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