The entire Kingdom of Droton has already fallen into the hands of Archduke Berard.

And he was going to give him his power back?

King Macapell III looked at Raymond as if he were joking, but he wasn't.

His dark emerald eyes were serious.

"I will restore to you all the authority that has been unjustly taken from you by that demon Berard, but in return, you must give me the reward I desire."

"...The reward you desire?"

"I want you to acknowledge the Droton Kingdom's responsibility for this war and agree to cede the Rafalde province, which was originally my country's territory, to my country."

With that, Raymond stated his intentions.


Rafalde was the northern province of the Kingdom of Droton.

It originally belonged to the Kingdom of Houston, but was lost to the Kingdom of Droton in a war over 100 years ago.

Since then, successive Houston kings have made it a goal of theirs to regain the province, and the current king, Odin, has promised to grant Raymond a section of the province as a fief after his victory.

'But the way things are going, there's no way that promise will be kept, and if it is, I'll be bankrupt.'

Raymond swallowed back tears, so there was only one option.

He must take the province of Rafalde for himself!

"...Are you saying that I should accept responsibility for the war and cede the province of Rafalde?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

King Macapell III didn't know what to say.

It was obvious.

The province of Rafalde was a whopping two percent of the entire Kingdom of Droton.

Raymond gave the young king the final nail in the coffin.

"In exchange, I will save the House of Droton from the clutches of Archduke Berard. Not only that, but I will restore all your lost privileges, and I will rescue the people of Droton from their cries of pain."

Macapell III bit his lip.

At this rate, the House of Droton was doomed.

And not only the province of Rafalde, but the entire kingdom of Droton will fall into the hands of that demon Berard, and the people will groan in agony.

"...Do you have any idea what to do? It won't work if I try to use my authority as king to turn the people against Berard."

A wise young king, indeed.

He saw through Raymond's thoughts.

"Names work when the king has power. I could declare him a traitor, and everyone would just snort."

Macapell III gripped the hem of his robe in his small hands.

It was something he had tried once before.

Archduke Berard had only laughed out loud and ripped it in his face.

"You're right, Your Highness, but it's a different story when you have power."


Raymond pointed to the map drawn in the room.

"Castle Jozef. We can capture the capital of the Kingdom of Droton and make it yours."

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