At that time, the headquarters.

In an ornate barracks that could hardly be imagined as a battlefield, three brilliant young men gathered.

Kairen, Remerton, and Seitil.

Three princes!

It had been a long time since the princes had had tea together.

But the princes were in a bad mood.

It was because of Raymond.

They were all hurt that a lowly bastard was stealing the spotlight from them.

"How have you been, brother?"

"Well, aside from the humiliation of being in the company of a lowly soldier, it's been fine."

Kairen shrugged at Remerton question.

"It's always fun to hear about our pup, and it looks like he's done a good job this time, too, scoring a victory over General Durak."

Kairen lifted the corner of his mouth.

"Well, it never ceases to amaze me when a raggedy dog gets so big."

Remerton shook his head.

Kairen was smiling, but his eyes were sunken deeply in the opposite direction.

'You're getting prideful, too. It's natural because Raymond and the like are rated higher than himself.'

Remerton understood Kairen's feelings.

He'd felt the same way himself.

It was ridiculous that a man like Raymond was considered the greatest genius in Houston.

'Soldiers and knights alike are dull and foolish, so they don't know who the true geniuses are. It doesn't matter. They'll see the bottom of it soon enough.'

He didn't have to wait long.

He was already on the brink.

"But I'm worried. I hear that Castle Bioton, where Raymond is, is in trouble."

Remerton chuckled.

"The main army is on its way, but I doubt they'll be able to hold them off until they arrive, they're quite a force to be reckoned with."

Kairen sipped his tea wordlessly.

Remerton spoke up, his voice uncharacteristically calm.

"I am concerned. Castle Bioton is a key point in what will be a watershed moment for the country. If we lose it through Raymond's fault, won't that be a big deal?"

Then, Seitil, who had been listening, spoke. In a sullen voice.

"And what if he does end up defending the castle?"


"Wouldn't that be another great accomplishment?"

Remerton blinked.

It was.

Castle Bioton was the most important point on the front line right now.

Defending it from the threat of those electrifiying forces would be another great achievement.

'No, not merely meritorious, but heroic. Going toe-to-toe with Durak and winning, and at a disadvantage.'

But Remerton smiled wryly.

"It would be a great thing for the kingdom if Raymond could defend the castle, but he's in such a state of disarray that it will be difficult. Besides, isn't he up against General Durak?"

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