
"Yes, Master!"

For the record, Elmud used the title Master because he was not allowed to be called Lord.

Elmud followed closely behind and handed him a bag.

This bag contained a comprehensive assortment of essential medicines and basic surgical tools, catering to various medical needs.

Without wasting a moment, Raymond delved into the task at hand, skillfully performing the necessary minor surgery.

Though the location of the wound presented some challenges, the severity of the festering required meticulous attention.

"I'd like you to prepare a pot of boiling water."


The skin was first thoroughly cleaned after the incision was made.

Once the pus was cleaned away, he ran the scalpel through the necrotic area.

His focus intensified, and Raymond's eyes revealed a profound determination.

In this moment, the patient's background faded into insignificance.

There existed only the healer and the patient in that room, and with unwavering dedication, he exerted his utmost effort.

As the gathering of Drotonians watched Raymond's labor of love unfold before their eyes, whispers filled the air, laced with awe and trembles.

"He would go to such extraordinary lengths for us, the people of an enemy nation."

"What manner of man is he?"

Their hearts sank.

Then someone spoke up, lamenting.

"...They called him an angel descended from heaven to serve the Kingdom of Houston, and it seems to be true."

"Why is it that we do not possess someone like him in the Kingdom of Droton? Just a fraction of him? If only we had someone even remotely similar, our suffering would not be so great."

The ruling class of the Droton Kingdom was the epitome of malevolence.

Berard, the embodiment of greed, had seized power and populated every position beneath him with equally corrupt individuals.

For far too long, the people of Droton had endured immense suffering.

'This war was fought because of that bastard Berard.'

'Why do we have to suffer like this!'

These were the thoughts of many Drotonians.

Because of Raymond's revelations before the war, everyone knew that this war was caused by Berard.

The morale of the people of Droton was low.

They found themselves fighting under a banner tainted by darkness, becoming a nation aligned with the devil.

'I envy the people of the Kingdom of Houston for having a person like that.'

The thought was spreading through the shelter. Raymond wrapped up the minor surgery.

"I'm done. In addition, I will provide you with penicillin. Make sure to take it as prescribed, without missing a single dose. You will recover."

More time had passed than he thought.

It was almost dawn already.

It was time to return to his duties as a healer in the Houston Kingdom Army.

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