Long since spent.

It was a far cry from when he ran the Penin Healing Center in the capital.

'Back then, it was a few thousand pennies at most, and now it's tens of thousands of pennies at a time.'

Of course, the money would come back many times over once the war is over.

The value of the Yolk Estate is not something that can be translated into a few hundred thousand pennies, but money is tight, and he has no choice but to turn to Healer Loans.

[I've got it, it's a special super low interest loan again. Fighting, VIP customer~☆★♥!]

'Don't use special characters, they give me the creeps!'

Raymond shuddered as he remembered the Lady Rose he had met earlier.

It was like encountering a snake. He didn't want to face her again.

He tried other banks for loans, but they all charged exorbitant interest rates during the war.

'I'll have to earn it.'

Seeing Rose's creepy special characters only strengthened his desire to earn it.

'I'll pay off the debt once and for all with the bounty I'll receive after the victory, but what can I do to make it more meritorious?'

Raymond pondered. Rao said.

"You're also thinking about how to honor the soldiers."


"How could I have misunderstood you? I am so sorry for my past. I'm trying to emulate you in the spirit of Noblesse Oblige."

Rao pointed to the map.

"If you want to do something for the soldiers, why don't you go to Bioton Castle?"


"It's a castle we captured not long ago, and it's southeast of here. It's currently the front line. By the way, I'm also going to be transferring over to get a chance to build up my army."

Raymond looked worried.

"Frontline? Dangerous?"

If it was, he didn't want to go.

He was a safety first kind of guy.

But thankfully, Rao shook his head.

"Not at all. We have five thousand men stationed there. The situation on the front is very favorable."

Rao said in a joking tone.

"Unless General Durak, the best general in the Droton Kingdom, decides to take matters into his own hands, the castle won't be in danger."

With that, Raymond's resolve was solidified.

'Yes, let's go. I need to be close to the front lines so I can help the soldiers and earn some credit.'

And so the Penin Treatment Center moved to Bioton Castle.


The capital of the Kingdom of Droton.

A middle-aged man, a scholarly type with a stern face, stood before Archduke Berard.

"Long time no see, General Durak."

A surprising name popped out.

This skinny, scholarly man was General Durak, the supreme master of the Droton Kingdom!

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