Having successfully undergone surgery, he had taken a well-deserved nap for the first time in a while.

However, it seemed that Elmud had once again misunderstood him.

'What am I l going to do?'

Raymond looked at Elmud on his knees and frowned.

'I'm a healer, what kind of loyalty oath do I have to take? This guy. Am I a king or a high noble?'

He didn't know what else to do with the dejected sweet potato Elmud.

Anyway, it was a tough one to deal with.

'Wait, is this really a bad thing?'

Raymond rolled his eyes.

He was a Sword Expert ranked knight.

There are endless uses for them.

'Where else can we get such a high ranking man for free? Can I just close my eyes and reap the rewards?'

He was tempted. But he shook his head.

'Marquis Aris will not leave me alone.'

House Aris.

One of the most prestigious families in the Kingdom of Houston, having served the king for generations.

The thought of such a man's heir serving him was terrifying.

'Use him. It's a coveted position. Is there anything I can do?'

Who is Raymond?

Despite his saintly appearance, he is the embodiment of snobbery.

He couldn't give up so easily because there was such a high-ranking and expensive person in front of him, asking to take care of him.

It was like a fish dancing its butt off in front of a cat to get caught.

'There has to be a way... Oh, this will do!'

"I cannot command the Baron's loyalty."

Elmud's face grew very heavy. He looked like a baby bird that had lost its mother.

"Is it because I, I am not good enough?"

"No. I'll be honest with you, it's because you are the heir to Marquis Aris, and as everyone says, I'm a lowly bastard."

Elmud gave him a hard look.

"That's not true. What do you mean, a mean lowly bastard. Who dares to say such a thing to Mr. Raymond! Who is it? Just say the word. I won't let them get away with it!"

"Oh, no."

Raymond was taken aback by the sudden turn of events.

A senior exponent was a senior exponent.

The power was no joke.

"If that's the problem, then I'll leave the family."


"I'm a knight. It's not the family name that matters, I want to give my sword to my true lord!"

So this is the purebred he saw back then? Elmud's blue eyes blazed with intense determination.

It was a frighteningly intense light.

'So, I can keep him, right? He's not going to be Hanson 2, is he?'

A flicker of foreboding flashed through his mind, but the free high-level talent was too tempting to pass up.

"That doesn't have to be the case, how about this instead?"

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