He got off the bed and grabbed the chair his mom had been sitting in and pulled it over to the side of Hinata's bed and sat down. It took him a few moments to gather the courage and reach out and take his hand In his. Flashes of the day His Uncle showed up at the Zoo went through his mind and suddenly he felt sick. A rise of panic came washing over him. He felt like a failure as an Alpha. The day Isao Attacked him, the zoo, today.... He had failed to keep his promise to protect him. His body shivered as an uncontrollable sob escaped him.
"Sho, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry,"
He buried his head into the side of the bed.

"Come on your Hinghness, what if the tangerine woke up and saw this?" Kageyama couldn't tell if he was relieved or angry at Tsuki's words... in fact, he wasn't sure if he could feel anything at all. He lifted his head toward Tsuki, his eyes dark and almost lifeless. It Took Tsuki a moment to adjust to the normal scowl he was used to seeing was nowhere to be found. He took a breath and stared down at the floor, thinking of something to say. He knew Yamaguchi, Suga, and Daichi would be a little mad at him if he didn't do what they had sent him there to do.

"Daichi spoke to your mom... She told him everything," his voice was low, he took his glasses off and put them in his lap and sighed. He knew if Yamaguchi was in The state Hinata was in, he would be a mess too.
"Do they know about the baby?" He asked without thinking and watched as Kageyama shook his head.

"No... the doctor wants to do some more tests," his voice was broken.

"Oh, hello Tsukishima," Dr. Hishiro said as she came back into the room, Wheeling an ultrasound machine in with her and carrying a cup of water and some pills.
"May I have a moment alone with them, please?" Tsuki nodded.

After he left Dr. Hishiro pulled the ultrasound machine close to the bed and began to set it up.
"I was going to send a tech in to do this, but then I figured it might be best if I do it and tell you the results as I go," she grabbed a stool that was on the opposite side of the bed and pulled it in front of the machine.
"Here take these," "she said and offered him two small tablets and a cup of water," They won't take long to kick in... they may make you feel a bit loopy. It's normal, just try to relax,"
Kageyama threw the pills down with a gulp of water as Dr. Hishiro began to pull back the blanket that was draped over Hinata and lifted the hospital gown they had put on him.
"They should be in soon to remove the EEG wires," She added as she took a of the tube of gel and squirted some onto his abdomen.
"Oh, and I forgot to mention earlier that the blood in his hair isn't his, Yachi's finger got cut during the accident and it belongs to her,"
Kageyama wasn't sure if hearing that made him feel better or worse.

He stared at the sonogram machine and tried to figure out himself what exactly he was looking at. He could feel his stomach twist as The Doctor ran the wand over Hinata's abdomen and stomach without speaking.
"Okay," she finally spoke, taking Kageyama by surprise for a moment.
"It looks like everything is fine, but it also looks like he is further along than what his blood work is showing. He is Ten weeks, not seven. which is probably because of his heat disorder," She examined Kageyama's face to make sure he was taking in the information okay and wasn't struggling.

"Is... that good?" Kageyama asked hesitantly, almost afraid to hear the answer.

"Well," Dr. Hishiro started, her tone serious, yet still calm and caring.
"There's more... it looks like two Embryos, which means twins. That coupled with the fact he has a heat pheromone Disorder, and he dropped... Plus being more than seven weeks pregnant," she paused and took the end from his abdomen as she spoke, seeing the look on Kageyama's face as he spiraled into an abyss of disapare.
"Listen to me," her voice was a bit more firm as she took a deep breath.
"Listen, don't panic, that will not help him," Kageyama nodded.
"Do you want me to go get your mom, or Daichi before we continue?" she asked thinking that Kageyama could use some support.

A set pair (Omegaverse) PT. 2Where stories live. Discover now