230. A Single Bullet

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🖤🖤Author: Hello My Amazing
🎶Omega Crew!🎶
I hope you are all well! Have you killed any crocodiles today?🖤🖤

🖤🖤Author: Hello My Amazing 🎶Omega Crew!🎶I hope you are all well! Have you killed any crocodiles today?🖤🖤

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Ennoshita: Hello?

Sargent: Is Sugawara alright? I didn't mean to startle him. But Daichi was shot during training, and I was trying to see if he needed a ride to the hospital.

Ennoshita paused and looked over to his Fellow Omega, who was on the verge of dropping and doing everything in his power to keep himself calm.

Ennoshita: No, we will get him to the hospital, thank you.

Sargent: Okay, thank you, please make sure he remains calm. Everything will be okay.

With that, the Sargent hung up, and Ennoshita didn't waste any time. He called Coach Ukai and told him the situation as everyone listened to him in shock.
(End Phone Call)

Kiyoko and The rest showed up right as he was on the phone with Ukai. Kiyoko got down on the ground beside Suga as soon as she heard and took his hand and pulled his head onto her shoulder, an attempt to comfort him and hopefully prevent him from dropping.
~End Recap~

Hinata, Yamaguchi, and Yachi all knelt beside Suga and released Omega Calming and relaxing pheromones

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Hinata, Yamaguchi, and Yachi all knelt beside Suga and released Omega Calming and relaxing pheromones. Kiyoko looked up to Asahi and realized the worry that was running through him, as all the color seemed to drain from his face. For a second, she was scared that he would pass out, which would be the last thing they needed to happen. Before she could continue to worry, however, she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see Kuroo standing behind her with an arm wrapped around Kenma's waist, who had put his PSP him his hoodie pocket.

"Do you want me to call coach Ukai?" He asked, holding out his phone to Kiyoko so she could type the phone number in for him. Kiyoko nodded and took the phone. She quickly dialed Ukai's number before handing the phone back to Kuroo.

A set pair (Omegaverse) PT. 2Where stories live. Discover now