If only he were a complete money-grubbing snob.

Then he wouldn't have to feel this dirty every time a patient died.

Would he have been upset whether the patient died or not?

He didn't know.

In any case, it's impossible to be a gravedigger; he can't stand to be in front of a dying patient.

'So I'm going to do everything I can so I don't have to feel this dirty feeling! I want to be rich and happy, and I don't want to feel the sadness of losing a patient!'

So there was only one way to do it.

He had to be overwhelmingly good.

So that he didn't lose any patients in front of him.

Of course, that was impossible, but he was going to make it happen.

That's what he was trying to do now, desperately.

'Spend skill points! Buy items!'


They allow him to spend skill points to temporarily increase his proficiency or extend the duration of a skill.

He could only use them in certain situations where the system allows it, and he was fortunate enough to be able to use them now.

[You have purchased the Extended Skill Duration (48 hours) item!]

With this item, Raymond enhanced his "Hand of a Warrior" skill.

[Extends the duration of the 'Hand of a Warrior' skill to 48 hours!]

[Costs 300 Skill Points!]

As a Legendary skill, it costs a lot of points compared to the previous "shield" skill.

The points he had barely managed to save up until now were gone in one fell swoop.

It was an unavoidable expense.

'I need my surgical skills to be at least a little better now, so I can save at least one more person.'

Luckily, a message popped up.

Desperate to improve his surgical skills even slightly, Raymond yearned to save at least one more person in the midst of the chaos.

Fortunately, a timely message appeared before him:

[You are displaying exceptional determination in saving numerous patients!]

[As a bonus reward, the item will be provided to you for free, negating the point cost!]

[You will receive an additional bonus!]

[The stat boost from the "Hand of a Warrior" skill is temporarily doubled (48 hours only)]

[Your Senses are increased by 20 points!]

This, coupled with the effects of his Experience of a Warrior skill, raised his Senses to nearly 70.

With his sharpened fingertips, Raymond began to heal his patients.

Several patients were brought back to life by his hands.

As he was tourniqueting a severed artery, a new screamer entered the room.

Just as he had barely saved one life, another was breathing its last.

In this space between life and death, Raymond gritted his teeth and concentrated on his work.

For a moment, he forgot about everything else and focused on his patients.

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