"But if you possess the determination!"


"Then I will support you wholeheartedly, and together we will stand resolute. I promise you, with the Master by our side, you will experience the true marvels and wonders of the new world."


Hanson's forceful speech caused a ripple of intense emotions to surge through the room. A junior healer, their voice trembling, posed a hesitant question.

"D-Do you believe we can truly follow in Mr. Raymond's footsteps?"

"We cannot."


"To follow him blindly would be an audacious and undeserved ambition. It is an impossibility. All we can do is strive our utmost to emulate his qualities."

Hanson sighed heavily.

"I am the first apprentice, and even I feel a twinge of nostalgia in the presence of a master. But fret not, for I shall be by your side. If you refuse to surrender, if you work alongside me, and if you strive to embody the greatness of our Master, you will soon soar to unimaginable heights."


Hanson cast a glance at the junior healers.

"Are you all prepared to embark on this journey now?"


"Your voices sound feeble. Is that the best you can do?"


A thunderous cheer erupted in response.

Hanson's face brimmed with satisfaction.

"Then I shall bestow upon you a chant. First line, 'They must be saved.' Second line, 'Let us emulate our Master!' Repeat after me!"

The junior healers chanted in unison.

"They must be saved!"

"Let us emulate the Master!"


With every ounce of strength, the junior healers bellowed.

"They must be saved!"

"Let us emulate the Master!"

Under Hanson's powerful charisma, the junior healers, or rather, the medics, were united.

"...Senior Hanson is so scary."

Lyndon grumbled, but he didn't mind, because the more people he could roll with in hell, the better!

Anyway, Raymond waved at Hanson with a wry smile.

"...Well, I have a strategy meeting to attend. Take care."

"Yes, Master. I will assume responsibility for training the new medics."

However, as Raymond made his way towards the barracks for the strategy meeting, a notification appeared.

[The 'Guardian Doctor of the Battlefield' attribute will be activated during an ally's crisis!]

[Quest will occur!]


Raymond looked surprised.

'An ally's crisis? And what quest?'

Raymond's face stiffened when he saw the quest's contents.

[Save your allies from the enemy's dastardly schemes!]
(Medicine Quest)

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