~ plan ~

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"If this shit don't involve money, I'm off it"

I was woken up by JJ. It was light outside now, and I saw the familiar surroundings of Kildare.

"Jules. We're here, get up."

I got up and got straight off the boat, I looked around and saw everyone else. But I felt so nauseous, the worst I've ever felt in my life.

"Sarah's at the chateau, everyone else is going home. Where you going?"

"I'm gonna go with Kie, see my parents."

"They're gonna be so pissed."

"Not at me. I'll stand up for you Kie, since I'm the favourite these days."

I turned to JJ.

"You got somewhere to stay J?"

"Uh, I'll figure it out."

"J, I know what you're like, if you need somewhere to stay come to the house. I can help you sneak in through Kie's window."

He laughed and we all walked off, everyone was walking to figure 8 with me and Kie because it was on the way. We got to the house and I hugged everyone goodbye, Kie walked straight through the gate and headed for the stairs up to the door.

"Damn guys, you live here? This is like the White House man."

"How bad you think it's gonna be?"

"Scale on 1 to 10? 20."

"Do you want us to hold up here?"

"No, I...I'll be fine. Thanks for walking me."

She went up to the door and I hung back

"If anything happens I'll come straight to you guys. I'm just warning you. She might end up at one of those camps."

"Won't you go too?"

"Not since I met Rafe. Parents have been up my ass the whole time. Think I'm set for life because I'm part of the Cameron's now."

"Yeah. Bye."

"Bye guys."

I hugged them all again, then when I got to JJ we did our handshake and I ended it by slapping him on the forehead.


"Remember, need anything. Come here and get me. Okay? You too Cleo. If you can't stay with Pope come here."

"Appreciate it."

"I'll get in touch with y'all later! Then we can all go to the chateau and see what we're gonna do about the whole diary thing!"

"Ok! See you later!"

I turned to Kie and jokingly shoved her.

"You not gonna give your boyfriend a goodbye kiss?"

"Oh shut up Jules, he's not my boyfriend."

Heartbeat - Rafe Cameron.Where stories live. Discover now