~ all for you ~

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Tyler the creator ~ IFHY

2 months later.

I'm finally leaving the hospital, it's been 2 long months of treatment for my head and learning how to properly walk again. And one minor psychosis diagnosis, but I'm better.

"Jules you ready?"

"Yeah. Just zoned out."

"You definitely sure you don't wanna live with your parents again?"

"Definitely not. I love them but I hate them at the same time, I just need time away from them."

"I get it, we've renovated the guest room and got Kiara to bring all your things so you have your own room now."

"Thanks Sarah, you're the best."

"I know"

I laughed and we walked out of the hospital room together, i got in the back of Rafes truck with Sarah. I don't know how he's dealing with her, he's hated her since she's been friends with us.

"How you feeling Jules?"

"Way better. I hated it there"

"That's good. It's good you managed to persuade Sarah to move back in with us."

"Shut up Rafe."

They started arguing and I turned to look out of the window, i looked at my phone. Still nothing from JJ, he hasn't spoken to me since I told him how I felt. I think it's childish, I told him that we could end up getting back together but he didn't care. John b told me he ended up going out and bringing back a new girl every night for like a week straight. I would say I don't care but I'd be lying, I care a lot. I do still love him, but I just wanted what would be best for both of us.

"Sarah have you heard from jj?"

"No. He's an asshole, forget about him."

"You think I haven't tried?"

"You're the one who ended it with him!"

"I know. That's what makes it feel worse."

"You'll get over it. Just try. I did!"

"The only reason you got over topper so fast was because you didn't really like him that much and you had John b to go to. I've got nobody. I'm lonely as shit. All my hoes are gone"

"You'll get boys all over you again now they know you're not with JJ, Rafes throwing a party Friday. I'm sure you'll find someone there."

"I hope so."

The rest of the drive back was mostly silent. Not comfortable silent. Very awkward silent.

I got out of the car and grabbed the one bag I'd had with me at the hospital, I was still on crutches because my leg wasn't fully strong yet but I'd probably be off them in a couple of weeks.

"You need any help getting in?"

"I'll be fine, thanks Rafe"

I smiled at him and followed Sarah into the house, I managed to get up the steps at the front of the house just using her shoulder to keep myself up. I didn't even use her that much.

"Wow I guess you're not gonna be crippled for much longer"

"Shut up Sarah, crippled is actually an offensive word so don't say that"

"Jules sometimes your sarcasm just isn't funny."

I sat down on the couch and laid back.

"I'm so glad I can finally sleep in a normal bed and live my life normally again."

Heartbeat - Rafe Cameron.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora