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K.Flay ~ High Enough
"I only got eyes for you"

The doorbell rang at 9:30 exactly. I rushed downstairs and opened the door, Rafe put his arm around me.

"You ready to go?"

"Yeah, just let me go get the keys."

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed my keys from the counter before saying goodbye to my mom and rushing outside to my car.

"Who's driving?"

"You, then you can keep the car running ready to leave as soon as I get back."

"I was gonna ask you what you're gonna do but I really don't wanna know."

We ended up getting to the point at 10:14, I wanted to stop at the gas station first because I was thirsty.


"I already know, don't do anything stupid"

"Be careful."

He nodded and closed the door, disappearing behind a boat.

He wasn't even gone for 5 minutes before I heard yelling. I was going to stay in the car but the feeling in my gut was telling me to go find him.

"Fuck it."

I turned off the engine and went the same way I saw Rafe go. It wouldn't be hard to find him, as long as I just followed the arguing.

I saw Sarah start running from Rafe, but I decided to stay where I was until I could see they were both gone.

I watched as Rafe chased Sarah, he eventually got a hold of her so I followed. He pushed her fully underwater, I thought he was going to pull her out, and he did. But just for a second before he pushed her under again.

"This is on you Sarah! Your decisions."

I could hear her screams. I couldn't just stand there and do nothing, but I was frozen in place. I was trying my hardest to get to her but I was in shock, I couldn't move.

"This is what you get Sarah! This is what you get"

My body finally remembered how to move again and I ran over to them.

"Rafe! Let her go right now!"

He didn't even turn to look at me, I saw Sarah stop struggling. I reached for her but he pushed me back.

"Rafe! What the fuck are you doing!"

Then I saw someone run in front of me and hit Rafe with some sort of pole. It was Topper. God I hate Topper.

I shoved him out of the way and pulled Sarah out of the water, sitting her down the closest place to us.

I was checking if she was alright when I heard Topper start to hit Rafe. I turned and watched as he hit him in the face over and over.

"You ever touch her again I'm gonna kill you. You got that Rafe? You got that?!"

"You're not gonna do shit!"

Heartbeat - Rafe Cameron.Where stories live. Discover now