~ stranded ~

201 3 0

Cigarettes After Sex~ K.
'Stay with me, I don't want you to leave'

I sat there, shaking JJ, slapping him in the face, yelling at him. Anything that might wake him up.

"Come on JJ! Wake up!"

I kept shaking him, John B and Kie were yelling at him to wake up too.

"Come on JJ! You're my best friend! Please!"

I started crying, I stopped shaking him, instead just laying my head down on his chest, crying onto him. I couldn't lose him, not now.

I just laid there for a minute, hoping for a miracle. And one came.

He started coughing, I sat up straight away and watched as he coughed the water out.

"Welcome to the land of the living, dude."

"No CPR needed, huh?"

He stared up at me.



I started laughing and hugged him. I didn't let go. I didn't want to, I mean, I thought he was dead.

"Just always looking for attention"

"Whatever it takes right?"

I let go of him and sat up straight, wiping the tears from my face and trying to control my breathing.

"What the hell happened?"

"Blunt end of a machete."

Kie started cleaning the blood off the side of his head as he looked around at all of us.

"A machete?"

"The blunt end."

"Next time, duck."

"I'll try to remember that next time. Thanks."

Pope looked back at the ship, watching as the cross got pulled back up.

"This shit ain't over."

"No, it ain't."

I looked over too, I could just make out the figure stood staring at us as Rafe. I felt horrible for leaving him, especially like that.

But I'd decided. I wanted to do what was right. I wanted to help my friends.

"Well Jules...surprised to see you're here rather than there."

"Haha. Very funny. You guys are my best friends. I wanna help you. We're getting this cross!"

I sat down next to Pope and put my arm around him.

"We're gonna get the cross. Believe me. And I'm sorry. For everything, I should've helped you earlier. I was just..."


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