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Softcore ~ The neighbourhood
'Are we too young for this?'

The man came back a minute later and started handing us first aid kits.

"So what's the story? You guys sink a boat?"

"Uh no, jumped off one. Her dads."

He pointed at Sarah and she turned to look at him with an annoyed look on her face.

"In laws man. They're tough."

I looked at Sarah, she looked at me at the same time, we were obviously thinking the same thing. How would he know John B and Sarah were together?

Normally I'd say it was just a guess, but they weren't really doing anything to make them seem like a couple.

"Well, have no fear. Jimmys here. I got you."

"Well, all hail Jimmy guys! Let's go!"

"Welcome aboard the flying fish y'all. I'm Jimmy Portis I'll be your captain today."

Everyone started getting on the plane, me, Sarah and JJ all hung back for a minute.

"Is this all? Seven of you?"

"Uh yeah. Is that too heavy?"

"Nah. Uh technically maybe, but I think old fish here'll probably be okay. We could always throw somebody overboard, right?"

He laughed and me and Sarah got on, we were the last people to, and let's just say John B was not impressed with our conspiracy that this wasn't just a coincidence.

"So what were you doing all the way out here?"

"I got a little guide outfit in Saint Vincent. I was spotting fish."

"What were you spotting?"

"You know, the usual. Wahoo."

That's when JJ and John b gave each other the look me and Sarah had before. There was definitely something wrong.

"I'd hang on to something. Gets a little spicy on takeoff."

We all grabbed on to whatever was closest to us and prepared ourselves for the worst. It wasn't the smoothest takeoff ever, but definitely wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

I didn't talk to anyone the whole time we were flying, I wasn't really listening to them either. I was only thinking about one thing. One person.

"Jules? Are you listening?"


I looked up and saw everyone staring at me, I'd obviously missed something important.

"Were you even listening?"

"Oh, yeah."

"Really? What were we talking about?"

"You know....stuff."

"Wahoo don't run in September."

Heartbeat - Rafe Cameron.Where stories live. Discover now