~ Court ~

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The Neighbourhood ~ The Beach
"I can admit, I am not fireproof"

I was on my way to John B's trial. I didn't know what I wanted to happen.

I was made to sit with Ward, Rose, and Rafe. It was either that, or I didn't go at all.

"John Booker Routledge, pursuant to the North Carolina statute section 14, you are charged with murder in the first degree with aggravated circumstances. If convicted, the maximum sentence would be the death penalty."

Everyone started whispering to eachother. I looked at Rafe. He was staring at the floor. He only came because I was there. Ward didn't want him to be there at all. But he went, for me.


He looked up at me.

"At least try to look normal."

He nodded and I held out my hand, he held on to it. Tight. But I wasn't going to say anything. I'd rather have him hurting me than going crazy.

I looked to Sarah and saw her start to cry. I felt horrible. She was my best friend, I didn't want her to feel like this. But there was nothing I could  do.

"Your honour, he's 17!"

I watched as JJ started to get angry. Kie and Pope tried to get him to be quiet but he was ignoring them.


"He's 17! Are you kidding me?!"


"Hey John B! We're gonna figure it out!"

John B was taken away, Sarah tried to get to him but she was pulled back.

"John B! John B!"

One of the officers started to pull Sarah away, but Kie grabbed her.

"Don't touch her! Come on Sarah, let's get out of here."

As we made our way out of the courtroom I let go of Rafes hand. I could hear the pogues talking about if John B was going to get the death penalty or not. Then a man walked up to us as we were walking away.

"I'm so sorry for what you and your family have gone through Ward. Thank God the system actually works."

Ward nodded and Kiara started to approach us.

"Can you please shut up? Of course you think the system worked because it was made to protect you and people like you."

"He'll have his day in court. A jury will decide."

"He shouldn't even be in court!"

She pointed to Rafe, taking a step towards us.

"You should, cause you're a murderer. You have a lot of nerve showing up to court."


I yelled at her and grabbed Rafe, pulling him  away before he had a chance to react. Instead Ward started walking towards her.

Heartbeat - Rafe Cameron.Where stories live. Discover now