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Kana POV:

I quickly pulled my beret tighter over my head. "Um, no, you must be mistaken. I'm not an idol."

Sam's quizzical look told me he wanted to protest, but decided better of it. "Oh, sorry. Well, you certainly look similair. Even prettier than Kana, if I might say." 

He tugged nervously at his sweater. It was such a cute act. Aqua never got nervous like that. Oh shut up, Kana. This is Kelly's boyfriend. Her abusive boyfriend. Don't be fooled!

"Well, thank you." I blushed. Oh my god. Stop blushing! "You were saying something about your girlfriend?"

"Oh, yes." Sam's aloof expression immediantly hardened. "Her name's Kelly Suzuki. I was just going over to the cafe she works at to break up with her."

"Break... up?" I echoed, dumbfounded. 

"Yeah. I just don't think things are working out between me and her anymore." Sam shrugged. "It's okay. I don't think she likes me much anymore either." 

She sure doesn't, mate. So why am I just the oppisote?

"Oh, well.... I just came back from a cafe and saw Kelly. She was planning to take a break from you." I don't know why I said that hopefully. Snap out of it, Kana!

"That should be right." Sam looked at me tensely. I met his eyes. A crack of eletricity sparked in the space between us. I could feel it. "Do you have a partner?"

"Oh, um, a boyfriend." I said quickly. That's right, Aqua. I can't cheat on him. No matter how good-looking or nice this guy appears to be. (Appears, Kana. APPEARS. Kelly JUST told you how horrible he is.)

"I see." Sam's face fell, but he quickly regained his composure and took a step closer to me. "Well. Any problems there?"

"Can't say for sure yet, ha." I laughed nervously. He was really quite close. "Um, he's pretty new, you know. But I have a good feeling about him."

"Do you now?" Sam took a step right so my back was to the wall if I faced him. He took another step closer. I backed up a little. "That could change."

I started sweating. This was really too close. I took another step back. Now, instead of feeling attracted, I felt like I was getting pushed back. Like Sam was pushing himself onto me. The spark of chemistry was gone, replaced with a growing sense of danger. "Um, well, I don't know if it can." I blubbered. 

"I'm sure it can." I don't know how many steps he took and I took back, but somehow the wall was suddenly pressed against my back. His scorching blue eyes took a long, intense look up and down my body. 

It was only when he reached out with his hand greedily than did I realise how dangerous this was and come to my senses.

"Stop it!" I thrust out a hand to push him back but it was useless against him. I screamed out for help but Sam thrust a hand over my mouth roughly, muffling my cries.

Suddenly, Sam was pulled back, away from me. 

My eyes widened to see Aqua, right there behind him, his golden hair dusted with frost, his eyes screaming murder. 

Aqua POV:

I tightened my death grip on the guy's wrist. He swore and tugged his wrist fiercly away from me, but I wouldn't let him go. I wouldn't ever let him go until he paid for what he'd done to Kana. 

"Who are you?" the man spat. I grimanced and absentmindely stepped away from his spit wad on the floor. 

"I actually happen to be the lady you're harassing's partner." I narrowed my eyes. "So you can get the hell away from her."

ɪ ʜᴀᴛᴇ ʙᴇʟʟ ᴘᴇᴘᴘᴇʀꜱ [𝓐𝓺𝓾𝓪 𝔁 𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓪] {𝒪𝓈𝒽𝒾 𝓃𝑜 𝒦𝑜}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant