Chapter 31

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The next day, I wake up early and decide to go for a run. This is not something I would normally do at all but I haven't been to a kickboxing class in nearly two weeks. I bet Magda forgot I was leaving and thinks I died or something.
Luckily, the scenery is gorgeous and I enjoy running through the quiet streets of Moab, Utah as I blare music through my earbuds. Before I know it, I hit 3 miles and start to circle back towards our condo (thank god I have a GPS Watch that tells me where to go).
I start to walk as I approach the condo and see Callum sitting outside the neighboring condo with his laptop open in front of him and a coffee mug in his hand. He looks up and gives me that wide, dazzling smile as I approach.
"Good morning! How was your run?"
"Great actually, I am not much of a runner but it felt good today," I say as I plop down in the chair next to him. I'm still breathing hard but the cool morning air feels great on my skin.
"Would you like some coffee?"
"Oh I can go make some in a minute."
Callum disappears into his condo and reappears seconds later with a mug and a nearly full French press. He pours a cup of coffee and hands it to me. As I cradle the steaming cup in my hands while enjoying the scenery, Callum types out a few more sentences on his laptop then shuts it and looks at me.
"Have you seen Jackson this morning?" I ask.
"He walked down to the gym in the condo community center."
I nod my understanding and we slip back into silence.
"I'd actually like to ask you something Ginger, and I think now is as good a time as any," he says, putting his mug down.
My stomach tightens and I look at him skeptically.
"Ok, what's up?" My voice is higher than I mean for it to be.
"I think you are immensely talented and I've really enjoyed working with you, even for such a short time."
I just stare at him, wondering where this is going. I put the mug to my lips just as he speaks again.
"I'd like to offer you a job."
I suck the hot coffee down the wrong tube and begin coughing and spluttering uncontrollably.
"Ginger? Are you okay?!"
Callum taps my back with his large hand as I nod furiously even though I can't speak. Several coughs and breaths later, I finally recover.
"A job?!"
Callum smiles and leans back, enjoying my surprised reaction.
"Yes, I'd like you to be CMO of Adair Knives, Chief Marketing Officer. You'd be in charge of running everything from marketing campaigns to brand strategy. You'd have a sizable budget and the freedom to design any campaign you'd like," Callum folds his hands in front of his mouth and continues to smile at me.
"But I-"
"Are clearly very qualified and would love to accept my offer," he folds his arms matter-of-factly but tilts his head to the side. He looks confident yet hopeful. I laugh nervously.
"Callum, that is very generous but I live in New York, I love it there, I can't leave."
"You will have a travel stipend and a hybrid schedule, you can still spend half of your time in New York City if that's what you want."
I shake my head as I look at him. Shock radiates through my body. Shock and a little flattery.
"Callum, I'm honored, truly. But I think you are getting ahead of yourself. You don't even know how this campaign will play out. It could be a total flop. Plus I've never worked in such a wide yet specific marketplace, surely there are more qualified candidates."
Callum chuckles and sits forward in his chair so he can put his hands on my arms. They squeeze gently as he holds me in place, holding me to the Earth as if I might float away like a balloon.
"Ginger, I'm afraid your current situation does not see all of your potential. What will happen in five years if you are doing the same things at Atwood? Will you be satisfied?"
This cuts through me like a knife. I never considered I'd be in the same exact spot in five years but it's entirely possible isn't it?
"At my company you will be running a team of qualified and experienced individuals just as you have done on this trip, you'd have resources but you'd also have something you don't have now. Freedom and trust."
My eyes flash to his. This is dangerously personal. How is he able to pick up on all these things? I see his smirk widen, as if he knows I've just realized how right he is. Finally he drops his hands from my arms and folds them in front of his torso again.
"I won't be interviewing others until you say no. If you say no. But first, I'd like you to come to Scotland. You can meet the team, do a little sight-seeing, then decide. All expenses paid of course."
I pinch my eyebrow. My mind is racing at all of Callum's words.
"Ginger, may I ask?" Callum leans a little closer to me. He drops his chin and looks me steadily in the eye. "What on Earth could you possibly have to lose?"
I break his intense eye contact before finally answering.
"I'll...think about it. The trip to Scotland, I mean."
Callum claps his hands.
"Fantastic! I'll have Fiona reach out to you when you're back in New York to schedule everything," Callum says gleefully.
My stomach drops. What did I just agree to?
Jay's face pops into my head, followed by Nadia's and Simon's and finally, Jackson's.
I feel Callum's strong arm grab my shoulder and squeeze gently.
"Thank you for humoring me, if nothing else you'll get a free trip to Scotland," he drops his hand and my eyes meet his. "Plus, Budapest is only a four and a half hour flight from Scotland."
He smiles wide again.
"Hey guys," Jackson approaches us.
"Jackson! I'll go make some more coffee," Callum jumps up and grabs his nearly empty French press.
"Oh, thanks," Jackson says.
He grabs a chair from our patio and sits it next to me.
"What were you two talking about?" Jackson asks as he sits down and squeezes my thigh.
"Oh, just details about the campaign, release dates and whatnot."
Jackson nods and my insides twist. The lie came out so easily, before I could even think about it and now it's too late to take back. I feel completely torn in two directions.
"Have you checked your email this morning?" Jackson asks.
"No, why?"
"A huge storm is brewing in Montana, Gerald thinks we should cancel our last two stops and fly out of Denver. I haven't responded because I wanted to talk to you first."
"What kind of storm?"
"A big one, they're expecting a couple feet of snow."
I wince.
"Well, I do think we have a lot of material but I was really hoping for more representation of the parks in the campaign," I say.
"I know, but there are a few parks closer to New York, we can l do a few mini trips down the road to supplement, that was always a part of the plan anyway," he says.
I'm disappointed but I know he's right. We brought some warmer clothes but nothing to handle shooting in that much snow.
Callum returns with a full French press as we talk about other parks that we can include in our campaign. Finally, Jackson gets up and stretches.
"I'm going to go jump in the shower before we hit the road. Thanks for the coffee Callum," Jackson says.
"No problem, one for the road?"
Callum hands Jackson a fresh cup which Jackson accepts.
"Sure, thanks, see you in a bit," Jackson says to me then leaves.
I sigh.
"Did you tell him?" Callum asks.
"No," I say. "I have some thinking to do."
Callum nods then proceeds to talk up Scotland.
Eventually, I finish my second cup of coffee and excuse myself to go get ready to leave.

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