Chapter 29

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Jackson and I step back and Callum awkwardly shifts his footing.
I don't even know what to say or where to start.
"Uh Callum-"
"Sorry, I just, I'll catch up with you later," Callum says then quickly leaves, shutting the door behind him.
I just sit down on the bed and drop my face in my hands.
"Well that was awkward," Jackson says. I look up at him, slightly annoyed.
"That's all you have to say?"
"I mean, what am I supposed to say? Guy shouldn't be just barging into people's rooms. What if you'd been changing?"
I roll my eyes.
"Do you have any idea how bad this looks for me?"
"Being with me is bad for you?"
I sigh.
"You don't get it Jackson. All Callum has to do is say one thing to Gerald or Liam and suddenly I'm the girl who is fucking the new guy on a god damn business trip. How do you think that will go over for me?"
Jackson shrugs and shoves his hands in his pockets.
"We're both adults Ginger, there's no company policy against it. Trust me, I looked."
My eyes snap to his.
"It's not just about getting in trouble Jackson. Women are way more susceptible to being accused of 'sleeping their way to the top.' I work way harder than I should have to just to prove myself and I might've just fucked it up!"
He sighs and kneels in front of me, looking up into my eyes. His face looks pained, confused.
"I'm sorry, that's...shitty. What can I do to help?"
His hands rub my knees and I relax a little.
"I don't know. I don't know if there's anything we can do. I think we just have to go out there and pretend nothing happened."
"Okay," Jackson stands up. "Take a few minutes okay? No rush."
I give him a polite smile.
"It'll be alright," he says then slips out.
Shit, I'm so fucking stupid. Just thinking I could sneak around like this and not get caught.
Eventually I stand up, take a deep breath, and step out.
The rest of the evening is fine though I can't help but feel like something is off. Callum is reserved the whole time, only offering polite responses when asked.
Around 8PM, my phone rings. It's a little late for anyone from New York to call me so I pick up my phone in confusion only to see a name I didn't expect.
Dominik, from the club. .
I step away from the group but feel at least one pair of eyes follow me as I head back into the house then out the front door to the dimly lit porch.
"Ginger, my friend, how are you?"
I smirk at hearing Dominik's warm voice and thick accent.
"Hi Dominik, I'm fine, how are you?"
"I'm very well, I was just opening a fantastic bottle Pappy Van Winkle when I thought I'd call my favorite whiskey connoisseur," he says as I hear a bottle open in the background.
"Do you expect me to believe you don't have any other whiskey fans around you that wouldn't love to partake in a glass of Pappy Van Winkle? You need new friends Dominik."
Dominik's throaty chuckle makes me smile.
"So how is your trip going? I've been eagerly awaiting details of your adventures," he says.
I let out an involuntary sigh.
"Uh oh, that doesn't sound good," he says.
"It's fine, just...complicated. And exhausting."
"Work trips often are, especially long ones. What has been your favorite part so far?"
Dominik and I flow right back into our quick friendship, as if we've known each other for years.
After I catch him up on our itinerary, I sigh.
"So what is troubling you? I can tell something is," he says. I rub my eyes in exhaustion.
"Uh, I sorta...started seeing my co-worker, Jackson. And I like him a lot. But I'm worried about..." I pause. "Well, everything I guess."
"Relationships are complicated but most things worth having usually are. Does he feel the same?"
"Yes, I mean, I think so. It just all happened so fast."
"Love often does."
I scoff.
"Love? I don't know about that."
"Describe him to me."
I pause and look up at the quickly darkening sky.
"He's...funny. And kind. And competitive. He loves the job as much as I do. I don't know why that matters so much to me but it does. I'm not the romantic type but if you talk to me about a marketing campaign or ask my opinion on branding it, I don't know, it means something to me."
"You're a driven woman, you need a driven partner, that makes sense."
The knots in my heart start to loosen for the first time all day.
"Just to throw another wrench into things, the client has been giving me weird vibes. I'm not sure whether it's romantic or something else but there's definitely something going on with him too. Earlier today he saw Jackson and I kissing and has been acting strange ever since."
"Goodness, you'll need a vacation after this trip," Dominik says as I hear the ice in his glass clink.
"Ha, you're right about that."
"Well, if you ever need a quick escape, I do have a jet."
I laugh and shake my head. Of course, he has a jet. I hear some faint voices in the background speaking in Russian.
"My friend, I must get going, thank you for honoring me with your exciting life."
"Thanks for calling, and listening. I really needed it."
And with that, I hear him hang up.
I sit with my elbows on the railing of the porch for a few more minutes while I listen to the evening symphony of frogs. Finally, I head in and say a quick good night to everyone.
In my room, I'm attempting to read my book but just seem to be reading the same paragraph over and over without registering the words. Finally I give up and put the book down.
Is Dominik right? Do I love Jackson? I honestly didn't think I was capable of love. I mean, I love Jay, Nadia, and Simon. I love whiskey and work and a really good burger and... suddenly Jackson smiling in front of the Grand Canyon while I snap a photo pops into my head. Before I know it a reel of Jackson moments starts flashing through my mind. Jackson icing my ankle, Jackson sleeping in his clothes in a chair in my room. Jackson making me laugh or cupping my cheek...
I shake my head. What the hell? How did I let this happen? I've always been so guarded, how did he get past my defenses so easily?
Then I realize, he's not here. He didn't slip into my room like he has been. I pick up my phone, it's 10:13PM. Without realizing what I'm doing, I open my texts and tap on Jackson's name.
I tap out a few messages and end up deleting them all. Finally, I press send.
What's the first thing about you?
Three dots appear briefly before his response appears.
What do you mean?
You know how people say "you don't know the first thing about me?" If someone asked what the first thing about you is, what would it be?
Hmmm, maybe that I'm a marketer? Or that I am a people person?
And what would you say is the first thing about me?
I hold my breath. I have no idea what he will say but I am nervous.
Honest. You're an honest person.
I chuckle.
Is that...I dunno, good?
I'm staring at my phone, waiting for a reply. Suddenly a voice cuts through the air and I gasp in shock.
"I think so."
I clutch my chest and cover my mouth to muffle my yelp.
"Oh my god, you scared me!" I hiss.
He chuckles and it makes my stomach squirm. He pushes off the wall he's leaning against and lies next to me on the bed. His arm slides under me, gathering me up, as his hand gently runs down my face and hair.
"What's going on in that brain of yours Ginger?"
I practically melt under his touch. In a matter of seconds my heart goes from pounding furiously to a slow lull.
I sigh.
"I dunno, just thinking too much I guess."
"Can I help?"
"No, no it's fine. I'm fine."
My eyes drift close as Jackson's hand starts to massage my neck and shoulder. His hand is strong yet soft and it makes my muscles easily relax.
Before I know what he's doing, Jackson puts a pillow down and pulls me up to sitting so he can slide my t-shirt off. I chuckle but instead of kissing my naked torso, he turns me over so I'm draped over the pillow. I feel his weight on my butt and legs as his hands start to rub and massage my shoulders and back. I hear him open my lotion bottle on my night stand and pour some of the cold lotion on my back as he continues rubbing my tired body.
I'm super turned on at this point. Not just because of his touch but his care. The way he clearly wants to please me is such a turn on. I let out a low moan.
I feel Jackson's weight lift off of me and I push up onto my elbows.
"Mmm thank you."
"Ah ah, don't get up yet."
Jackson pushes me back down and I feel him slide my shorts off. He begins rubbing my thighs, calves and feet. It feels so good that I'm completely relaxed at this point and don't know if I could move even if I wanted to. As he starts rubbing my inner thigh, I realize how wet I am.
Jackson gently flips me over and puts more lotion on my stomach. I arch my back as he starts massaging my breasts, running his fingers gently over my nipples. Then he spreads my legs and slowly slides a finger into my wet pussy.
"Ohhh," I moan.
He slides a second finger in me as he massagers my breast with his other hand. His thumb circles my clìt which practically pulses under his touch.
I grab his arm and he stops and makes eye contact with me.
"Take me, please."
It's not a command but more like a soft plea. I am suddenly desperate to feel his body pressed against mine, his arms caging me in, protecting me yet taking control.
Jackson gets naked quickly and then realizes he didn't bring a condom with him.
He goes to put his clothes on so he can go get one but I interrupt him.
"No, don't."
"I want to feel you, all of you, I'm on birth control."
His eyes darken as he looks at me, naked and writhing on my bed. He smirks and drops his clothes on the floor before crawling on top of me.
As he slides into me, I feel like an explosion of color appears in my brain and blooms through my chest. I can't explain why this time is different other than the condom but it is. Jackson starts to move his hips against mine as he slowly thrusts into my needy pussy but his eyes are looking directly into mine, like they can see all of my thoughts and feelings. It's both freeing and unsettling. I lean up and bite his lip then slide my tongue in his mouth. He thrusts even deeper into me which makes me whimper. His hands roam my body, squeezing my flesh, it almost hurts but feels so good. Jackson starts kissing my neck and ear, palming my breast and squeezing my nipple. His dick feels amazing and I can't get enough.
As I feel him building, I stick my fingers in his mouth to wet them and then start rubbing my clit. This eggs him on as he pumps harder and harder into me.
"Fuck, Ginger, yes."
"Cum in me Jackson."
We're both clearly trying to be quiet but the tension and passion continue to implode as our bodies move together.
Finally I feel him come undone and fill me up with his cum. He sits up and continues to slowly pump in me as he takes over rubbing my clit, my orgasm approaching quickly. I arch my back and bring Jackson's hand around my neck. I want to be completely vulnerable and under his control as he makes me cum with his dick still inside me. His hand gently closes around my throat as his hand works faster on my clit.
"Cum, cum now."
His command and strength sends me over the edge. My body attempts to buck under his strength as my orgasm spreads through my body and my pussy clenches around his dick.
"Oh fuck. Jackson!"
"Quiet naughty girl."
His throaty command is so fucking hot. I want him to fuck me all over again just from those three words.
His hand is still on my throat as he slides out of me. He dips down and sucks on my nipple which makes me laugh from overstimulation.
"So you want to give up control huh?"
He looks up at me with a satisfied smirk on his face. I bite my lip and nod.
"Mmmm I can arrange that."
He gets up and uses his shirt to wipe himself off then gets back into bed with me. He pulls the covers over us and props himself up on his elbow so he can look down at me.
"Ginger, you're everything I want."
I give him a confused look. He pauses, stroking my hair, clearly deciding if he wants to say his next words.
"I think the first thing about me might be you."

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