Chapter 4

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I slip into Finn's Tavern around 10PM and find it fairly crowded with rowdy drinkers and animated voices. Simon is darting all over the place with his bartenders, Ashlee and Tovvyn, dropping off pints and picking up empties. Nadia is at the bar chatting up two different guys who look to be friends. Her eyes light up when she sees me.

"Fuck yes! Alright guys, you're in for a treat. This hot bitch right here is my friend Ginger and she's avaaaaaiiiilable!" Nadia yanks on my arm and spins me around like a parade float to the two guys she is talking to.

"Stop it you weirdo," I laugh, yanking my arm out of her grasp and giving her a hug.

"This is Max and Philando, they're in town for a conference," Nadia wiggles her eyebrows at me.

I smile at them, mainly out of politeness, I really just feel like grabbing a nightcap and then crawling into my bed. I think I've had a little too much human interaction for one night.

Max steps forward and grabs my hand.

"Nice to meet you Ginger, can I buy you a drink?"

"Hmm I dunno, I have expensive taste," I reply coyly.

"Well you certainly look the part tonight so I knew what I was getting into," he replies with a soft smile. Okay, I liked that.

We both turn to the bar and I flag down Simon. I order an old-fashioned and look back at Max. He's handsome, with sandy brown hair and the perfect amount of stubble. He's wearing a blue suit jacket over a button-up white shirt and he smells delicious.

"So were you at a royal wedding tonight or..." Max's eyes travel down my neck.

"Ha, yes yes, I'm close friends with the queen," I laugh nodding my head.

"Hoo boy, that sucks for them, you know you're not supposed to upstage the bride right?" Max says as he sips his beer and takes me in with his eyes.

"Ha, you're funny. I was at a gala tonight, I work for a marketing firm and this year's gala supported the humane society," I offer.

Max's eyebrows shoot up.

"Beautiful woman and helping animals? Damn, sounds like a perfect event."

We pause as Simon hands me my drink and I take a sip.

"So you work for a marketing firm? That sounds interesting, do you like it?" He asks.

"I fucking love it. And not just because I'm good at it," I say. "What do you do?"

"I bet you are. I am a consultant for an architect in Chicago though we do a considerable amount of work in New York and Europe," he says.

For the next hour, Max and I chat about our jobs and travels while Nadia makes out with Philando. Maybe it's the booze or the run in with Jackson earlier but I'm enjoying Max's attention and company.

"Can I get you a refill?" Max points at my empty glass.

"Ugh, I'd love to say yes but I really need to get going, thank you for humoring Nadia and fulfilling your wingman duties."

Max laughs while he tosses a tip on the bar.

"Can I walk you home?"

I sigh, searching his face while I ponder his question.

"To be honest, it's 10 blocks and I have no intention of inviting you inside. Would you like to wait outside with me while I grab a cab?"
Max smiles, it's warm and genuine. Then he nods.


I put on my coat and say goodbye to Nadia who had to pull her face off Philando's to give me a hug.

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