Chapter 6

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We duck into Finn's right as the rain starts.

Nadia isn't here yet. She works in the makeup department for Harper's Bazaar and usually doesn't get out of the office til 7 or so.

"Ey Gigi," Simon picks up a shot glass and a pint. "The usual?"

"Sure Simon, thank you," I reply while sliding my coat off and sitting in a seat at the bar.

Simon pours me a shot of whiskey and then pulls the tap to pour my beer. He eyes Jackson who slides into a seat next to me.

"And you?" Simon growls obviously remembering the frosty exchange Jackson and I shared the other night.

"I'll have whatever she's having," Jackson says trying to pretend he doesn't notice.

Simon just picks up another glass and starts pouring.

"How's the day Gigi?"

"Oh ya know, workin all the daylight hours. Do you have an actual NFL game on in the bar?"

I just notice the game on as everyone boos at a roughing the passer call on the home team.

"Aye, givin the yanks one TV so they'll shut the fuck up bout watching the Giants."

I laugh and grab a peanut.

Simon puts our pints in front of us, glares at Jackson and says "why're you rolling in with this one?" He's talking about Jackson like he's not looking directly at him from three feet away.

"Believe it or not, we're working on the Adair project together. Apparently my boss likes to torture me."

Jackson playfully elbows me.

"I only made you swear twice today, I feel like that's worth something."

Simon's eyebrows go up.

"And he's paying for this round," I say.

"$22," Simon says.

Jackson gives him his card and tells him to keep it open.

Simon walks away without another word.

"Whew, that guy does not like me," he says watching Simon's large frame start his tab.

"He's protective, I've known him for years and he always watches out for me and Nadia."

"Did you meet him in college?"

"Not exactly, I stopped in here while I was at NYU. He had just moved here and opened the bar in his dad's name with the money he got from his dad's will. I ended up being his bar back for a while before I graduated. Much of my homework was done here." I smile at the memory.

"Did you meet Nadia here too?"

"No, my first apartment was right next to hers, we started gossiping in the laundry room and then just hit it off. She hooked me up with my first fake ID," we both laugh.

"I bet you two were hell-raisers," he says looking up at the tv and smiling.

"Were? No, definitely still are though being a workaholic has tamed me slightly," I say. "She's going to flip her shit when she sees you, and I'm not going to save you either."

"Oof, thanks for the warning Gigi."

I narrow my eyes at him.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist. I think it's cute, which is funny to me because you are entirely too scary for a cute nickname," he says laughing.

"I'm not scary, he's scary..."

I gesture to Simon right as he lifts a keg up like it's a cardboard box. We both laugh.

I finally pick up my whiskey shot and hold it up to Jackson.

"To Adair Knives," I say.

Jackson smirks and clinks his glass to mine.

"To burying old rivalries."

We both take the shot.

"So that's what we had huh? A rivalry?" I look at him with an eyebrow raised.

"Sure, imagine how unstoppable we will be after teaming up?"

I hadn't ever thought about combining forces with Jackson. He was good at what he did, I had to give him that, but I always just considered him my antithesis, I didn't realize that we had professional skills to offer one another.

"Happy Monday bitch," Nadia appears at my side and gives me a hug. Suddenly I see her eyes narrow at Jackson. "Well, hello hello."

"Whatcha having Nat?" Simon asks.

Nadia doesn't remove her eyes from Jackson as she says "margarita, thanks babe. What's Mr. Blue Eyes doing here? Don't you want to kill him or something?"

"Apparently I pissed off god because Jackson here is working at my company now and we are paired up for a potential client presentation."

Jackson smirks at me and pinches my arm.

"Last time I buy your drink."

I laugh.

"So do you have a wife? Or a fuck buddy?"

"Jesus Nat," Simon says while mixing her drink.

"What?! You know I'm direct."

"Ha, well, I think Ginger would murder me if I hooked up with one of her friends," Jackson says.

"Oh hunny, she wouldn't be worried about me, she'd be worried about you," Nadia says as she grabs the drink from Simon and takes a sip.

"It's true," I say. "I've seen countless men brought to their knees by this woman." Nadia laughs and grabs a seat on the other side of me.

"Speaking of, when are you pitching to hot knife guy?" Nadia asks, finally taking her crosshairs off of Jackson.

"Thursday morning," I say grabbing a few peanuts.

"You are talking about Callum Adair? You're into that kind of guy?" Jackson asks, looking at me. I can feel a tinge of jealousy, and it makes my insides flair with...glee?

Nadia responds first.

"Are you fucking kidding me? What's not to like? He's a hot entrepreneur with an accent. My panties would probably just fall off if I was in his presence."

I laugh. I love how direct Nadia is and seeing other people react to her is hilarious to me.

"Hoo boy, you going to be okay Ginger? Should we have a cold shower ready for you after the meeting?" Jackson asks putting his hand on my upper back in faux-comfort.

"Oh please, there's only one Adair Knives and about a million fuckable guys in this city. I'm focused on closing the sale Jackson, nothing else."

Jackson tilts his head up and looks at me skeptically then takes a sip of his beer.

By 9PM I was thoroughly buzzed and needed to eat and go to bed. The next couple of days were going to be long ones.

"Alright kids, I have to head home. And by home I mean the gyro place and then to the place I sleep."

Nadia pouts but knows better than to try to tempt me to stay longer. Jackson gets up at the same time.

"I should go too."

I hug Nadia and kiss her temple, then high five Simon before heading towards the door with Jackson on my heels.

"Well, my gyro restaurant is this direction, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Thanks for letting me crash your bar, I promise it won't happen again," Jackson says with a smirk. "Get some rest, I'll see you in the morning."

I smile at him reluctantly then turn.

Jackson continues to stand there as I walk away.

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