Chapter 17

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I leave for the photo shoot trip with Ginger in a few days so I'm packing at home and making sure I have everything I need. Obviously, I want to look professional and presentable but we'll be traveling to warmer desert climates, below freezing snowscapes and everything in between. I even went out and bought a pair of hiking boots since there aren't any eccentric millionaires sending a free pair to my office.

I wonder for the hundredth time if Ginger likes Callum Adair. I mean, how could she not? He's pretty much every woman's dream. But Ginger is not a norm woman. She has so many qualities that others would find intimidating but I find irresistible. And I doubt that Callum knows any of those things about her. How could he? He's barely spent any time with her though I suddenly realize I haven't spent much time with her either. For some reason, I just think I would value her more.

My phone rings which brings me out of my thoughts. It's my friend Wesley who has a date tonight and apparently she's got a friend that they want to set me up with. I groan.

"Dude, I have to leave for a trip in a few days and I still have a ton of shit I have to do to get ready," I say.

"You owe me," Wes says.

"For what?!"

"Remember that time I had to drive all the way out to Westchester the day before I took the LSATs because you and Alex got stuck in the snow?"

"That was like 10 years ago!" I say.

"Yeah, well, I'm obviously still sensitive about it," he laughs. "Come on dude, it's one night, one double date. Come blow off some steam and you can pack all day tomorrow."

I sigh and run my hand through my hair.

"Fine, but we're even now."


Wesley and I meet the ladies at a swanky Italian restaurant in SoHo. Wesley's date, Amber, is tall and has sandy blonde hair like him. Her friend, Tasha is a petite brunette in a short dress. Frankly, she's gorgeous so I tell myself I'm just going to make the best of an awkward situation.

By the end of dinner, I learn that Tasha works as a receptionist for an eye doctor and loves to salsa dance on the weekends. She's very sweet and while things are going fairly well, I quickly realize I'm just not that into her. I don't feel a spark or instant chemistry with her. Honestly, that's okay, it doesn't mean we can't have a good night.

After dinner, we decide to try to get into a new club a few blocks away, apparently Amber heard about it and has been wanting to check it out. After waiting in line for nearly an hour, and paying $200 in covers, we are in.

The club is pretty spectacular even if it's not my scene. Everything feels high end with yellow and blue neon lighting and a long, lit up bar. All the bartenders are in slacks and white button up shirts, even the women. The music is loud and the place is packed with bodies in various states of inebriation.

After checking our coats, all four of us go to the bar to grab a drink and I start chatting with Tasha more. She leans in close to me.

"So what do you like to do for fun Jax?"

I smirk at the nickname and shrug.

"I enjoy cooking, hanging out with nephews, sailing with my family, but you know, I've been meaning to take salsa lessons from a beautiful woman. Maybe you can help me with that?"

She giggles and playfully hits me in the chest.

I admit, the attention feels nice, but she's not the person I wish I was talking to right now.

As soon as I finish my beer, Tasha pulls me on the dance floor. We dance for several songs and I'm wondering how much longer I need to stay here and what my exit plan should be.

Eventually, Wes and Amber tell us they want to take off and we agree to leave with them.
As I'm waiting for them to grab their coats, I notice a tall Irish man chatting with several other people on the second floor. My heart speeds up. I look to the other faces and recognize Nadia but don't see a woman with bright red curls. She must be with them.

Nadia makes eye contact with me and tilts her head to the side in question.

Then, before I know it, we're heading out the door.


We have the Uber drop Wesley and Amber off at his place before we head to Tasha's. I can feel her eyes on me on the drive. I look over and offer her a smile then look back out the window.

"Wanna come in for a night cap?"

I look at Tasha, her brown, doe eyes waiting in anticipation.

"Sure," I say. Though I'm not sure why, I just don't want to let her down I guess.

Tasha's apartment is small and girly with photos and pillows and cutsie wall decor everywhere. I settle on her little couch and look around, noting the numerous differences from Ginger's apartment.

"Is red wine okay?" Tasha calls from the kitchen.
"Sure," I say even though I'm really not a fan. I think about how Ginger would be pouring me a whiskey or bourbon and telling me my dance moves sucked right now. I smile to myself.

Tasha brings out two glasses and sits on the couch. She's still in her small, tight dress but has kicked off her shoes. She hands me a glass.

"I had a really nice time tonight," she says. "Cheers."

Tasha clinks her glass to mine.

"Me too, I'm really glad Wesley asked you and I out," I joke, she laughs.

I set my glass down after taking one sip and she sets hers down then leans up to kiss me. Her lips are soft and glossy, the kiss is sweet but I can feel her anticipation and hunger, I pull back.

"I'm sorry Tasha, I actually do need to get going," I say while tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Her face falls and her brow furrows.

"Really? Right now?"

"Yes but only because I really have to finish packing for a three week long work trip and I don't want to lead you on and then disappear for three weeks," I say.

Her face softens and she nods in understanding.

I get up and put my coat on. She walks me to the car.

"Maybe you can call me when you get back?"

"Sure," I say. I give her a quick hug and she kisses my cheek. "Night Tasha."

On the way home, I breathe a sigh of relief. By all accounts, Tasha is gorgeous and a lovely woman but my mind was elsewhere all night. I look at my phone, it's almost midnight. My mind wanders to Ginger and imagines what she's doing right now. Drinking whiskey at the bar with Simon and Nadia. Or perhaps getting ready for bed in her clean, minimalist apartment. Maybe even thinking about me.

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