Chapter 11

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The next morning, I receive an early email from Callum asking me to swing by his hotel on the way into the office to pick up the contract.

My heart instantly starts to flutter with nerves but it slows slightly when he says to meet him in the restaurant of the hotel at 7:15am.

I'm outside at 7:10 looking at my reflection in the glass. I'm wearing a white button up shirt, gray slacks, and gray plaid shoes. My hair is down and wavy today with nothing to tame it. I take a deep breath and walk in.

Callum is sitting alone at a table, which looks small compared to him. He's wearing a green sweater and jeans, no hat today and his hair is the perfect amount of styled.

He looks up at the sound of heels clicking on the marble and a smile instantly appears on his face.

"Good morning Mr. Adair," I say approaching him and shaking his hand.

"Please, please Callum. Have a seat," he says, shaking my hand and gesturing to the seat across from him.

"Oh no, I really need to get into the office," I say, feeling my nerves start to kick in.

"I insist."

I reluctantly take a seat and put my bag down next to me.

"Coffee?" He asks as he pours me a cup.

"Sure," I say. "So did you have any other questions about the contract?"

"Right to the point, I appreciate that about New Yorkers," he says and I feel my face blush slightly. I hope I didn't offend.

"I apologize Mr...Callum," I say.

He puts the coffee carafe down and waves his hand in dismissal.

"Not at all, I do like it. Though I wonder when you all have fun and are not just business," he says with a smirk.

I add some cream to my coffee and stir it.

"We schedule in time every once in awhile," I say playfully. He chuckles. "So when do you head back to Scotland?"

"This afternoon, I wish I had a little more time to stay but I have much to do. Also, I like being around, er, less people." He says.

I nod and smile in understanding.

"Yes, Manhattan can be overwhelming if you like your privacy," I say taking a sip of my coffee.

"But you like your privacy and you seem fine," he says. I flinch at him shifting the focus back to me.

"I'm also not over two meters tall!" I say. Callum laughs, it booms through the room and I can't help but laugh as well.

"Very good Ginger, very good! I like you," he says. "You are honest and funny! It's hard to be both I believe."

I shrug, hoping this is the end of the discussion about my personality.

"So you will be coming with us to the national parks yes?"

I nod slowly, trying not to give myself away. His smile spreads.

"You do not spend a lot of time outdoors." He says this as if he's saying it to himself and filing it away in his folder about me.

I nod even slower.

"Um, well, I don't have as much time as I'd like to spend time outdoors," I say. "Plus there's not many outdoor activities to partake in around here."

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