Chapter 8

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I'm a little nervous for today. Jackson and I will be presenting to Gerald and Liam who will give us feedback and then we officially present to Adair tomorrow. I'm digging through my closet to find an inspiring outfit. I already know what I'm wearing for tomorrow but for today I settle on a gray pencil skirt and a simple white blouse. I slip into a beautiful pair of yellow stilettos that make me feel fucking amazing every time I wear them.
I put my hair up in a stylish bun with a few wavy pieces hanging down then grab my gray wool coat and head out the door.
30 minutes later I'm walking into my office and Jackson is already there. He's wearing dark blue pants, and a gray plaid print button up. He's tapping away on his laptop already and looks up to give me a smile as I come in.
"Oh good, you didn't get coffee on your way," he says and nods to one sitting on my desk.
"Oh, thanks," I say. I pick it up and take a sip, suddenly I realize it's my exact order. I look at him in confusion. "How did you know?"
Jackson glances at me then turns back to his computer.
"I just went to the coffee place across the street that you went to the other day, described you and asked for your usual. They said it was a plain latte with a sprinkle of cinnamon."
I can't help but smile as I slip off my coat and hang it up.
"So, how did you describe me? Did you say 'Frigid Ice Queen' or did you just make a scary face?" I say playfully.
Jackson looks at me with a small, regretful smile.
"Yeah, about that...I'm–"
"Look, Jackson, we don't need to do this," I say, cutting off the apology he was about to offer. "I wasn't exactly nice to you and vice versa. I'm just glad that we're able to figure this out now. Obviously we both have a lot riding on tomorrow."
Jackson pulls his lips in and nods.
"I guess we do."
For the next several hours, we do our thing again. Finally, we present to Gerald and Liam which I find more nerve-wracking than I expected to. They both have their hands clasped in front of their face for the 50 minutes that we present so I'm not able to gauge anything off their reaction. Jackson and I absolutely nail the pitch and as I wrap up the final slide, we fold our arms in front of us and wait for their response.
Gerald breaks into a wide smile while Liam gives a polite clap.
"Bravo Ginger and Jackson, bravo!" Gerald exclaims. "I have a few small notes but I'm so impressed with what you've put together. This might be a very valuable team for us Liam!"
I look over at Jackson who gives me a wide smile.
I never thought of the prospect of us doing well together, at least not well enough to become a team. As much as I have not hated working with Jackson, I hope they can also see our individual contributions.
As soon as I think these words, Jackson speaks.
"Ginger came up with the National Parks campaign, I think it's brilliant and a great move for an outside company like Adair. Adair is heartfelt, personal, I think he will be pleased with this angle," Jackson says. My heart beats faster as I hear Jackson's praise.
"Wonderful, wonderful stuff, let's go back through your slides, we'll provide our notes and you can put the finishing touches on before tomorrow," Gerald says. He gestures to Liam who opens a folder to present notes.
For the next few hours, we go over the presentation with a fine-tooth comb and make the necessary changes per Gerald and Liam. Then they give us some personality tips before heading out to go to another meeting.
It's only 4PM as I'm packing up but Gerald insisted that we go home and get some rest before tomorrow.
"Let's grab a drink," Jackson says. "I know a great Irish bar."
I look over and he has a cheeky grin.
"I'll have to meet you there later, I have to go visit...someone." I say, deciding I don't want to reveal too much.
"Okay, what time?"
I stride into the facility where Uncle Jay is staying and find out he's in physical therapy still.
"May I peek in?" I ask the nurse.
She knows me well, I've been coming here 2-4 times per week for a year.
"Sure," she says and points me to the room they're working in.
I look around the corner and see Jay on a recumbent bike, a towel around his neck.
"You're doing great Jay, just ten more minutes."
"Hey, look at you!" I say, walking up and patting Jay on the shoulder. His eyes light up when he sees me.
"Hi kiddo!" These are pretty much all the words he can get out as he is exhausted.
Suddenly, Jay ramps it up and really starts pushing himself.
"Good job Jay, five more minutes!"
The physical therapist and I cheer Jay on as he crosses the digital finish line.
"Now cool down for at least 15 okay? You can go as slow as you want, I'll leave you to it," the therapist says and leaves.
"She seems nice," I say after the older, soft-spoken blonde has walked away.
"She can be a lot meaner than she seems," Jay says rolling his eyes. I laugh.
"I'm so proud of you, looks like you put in a good effort today."
"Penelope definitely brings it out in me, but also, I started seeing a psychologist in here," he says, still out of breath.
"Yeah, and he helped me realize that I'm not ready to give up, I don't want to waste away, but it's going to take a lot of work, so here I am."
"Wow, that's great Jay."
"I'm hoping to be able to go for walks with you again, like we used to. I also want to go back to the barber shop and the diner, the places where my friends are," he beams at me remembering his regular stops.
Tears gather in my eyes. I can't believe what I'm hearing him say. We usually avoid talking about his former life and yet I know he misses it dearly.
"Excuse me, Mrs. Campbell?"
I look up to see the physical therapist approaching me.
"It's Ms.," I say, trying not to sound annoyed.
"I apologize, may I have a word?"
We walk to a corner of the room as Jay continues his cool down on the bike.
"I know you and Jay are very close, he speaks highly of you Ms. Campbell," she says.
"Please, just Ginger is fine," I say.
"Well, Ginger, you are obviously a big motivator for Jay, I was wondering if you might be interested in sitting in on one physical therapy session per week? I think by having you here to cheer him on, he may be even more motivated to push himself."
I'm surprised by this, I don't know why but this is not what I was expecting.
"Oh, uh, it depends on the schedule but I should be able to make that work," I say.
"I know you work long hours, your uncle talks about you all the time," she says with a soft smile.
"Thank you, I'm pretty fond of him as well," I pull a card out of my bag.
"The clinic has my info as well, but here's my card. If you could send me a schedule, I can certainly commit to one session per week," I say.
"Great, thank you, I'm Penelope by the way, I'll be in touch with you soon," she says as she steps away.
I walk back over to Jay and clap him on the back.
"Pretty proud of you old man," I say with a smile, knowing I'm going to rouse him up.
"Old man? What you talkin about little girl?" Jay sucks his teeth.
I laugh.
"So when's your big presentation?" He asks.
I let out a big breath of air.
"Tomorrow, I'm–pretty nervous," I admit.
"I know, but the nerves are a good thing."
"How so?"
"If there are two people, and one is super confident and the other is nervous, who is going to try harder?" He asks.
"Well, the nervous one I guess." I had never thought of it that way.
"That's right, you gotta keep that anxiety, it'll make you push yourself."
"Wow, that therapy is really making you smart huh?"
Jay howls with laughter.
"I've always been smart, just like your momma, where do you think you got it?"
After a few more minutes, I leave Jay to head back to his room and eat dinner.
As I'm leaving, I wonder if Jackson is ever the nervous one or if he only ever oozes confidence.
I step into Finn's just as Simon and Nadia are laughing at something Jackson said.
I walk up and throw off my jacket.
"Really guys? You're letting this guy replace me? Some friends you are," I say jokingly, throwing my coat on the back of a chair.
"Ey Ginger, he'll never be as hot as you, you can always hold onto that," Simon says holding up a shot glass and a pint in question. I nod to him.
"I dunno, speak for yourself Simon," Nadia says eyeing Jackson and biting her lower lip. Jackson picks up his drink and takes a big sip. Nadia turns to me. "How's Jay?"
I eye Jackson, not really wanting to talk about my uncle in front of someone I barely know.
"Fine, he's fine. Hey thanks Simon! How was your day?" I'm louder than I mean to be as I try to change the subject.
Simon sets my drinks down in front of me and everyone eyes me suspiciously but shrugs it off.
"Er, fine Gigi, how was yours?"
"Good, we're ready to present tomorrow," I gesture to Jackson. "I hate to admit this in front of him but I'm kind of nervous."
"Honestly? Me too," Jackson says. I look at him, surprised by his admission. Nadia and Simon are looking at me.
"I'd be nervous to meet that hunk of man meat as well," Nadia says.
"It's not that, it's just, a big deal, this could change a lot for me," I say trying not to meet Jackson's eyes again.
"You're going to do great babe, you're like a lioness hunting for your pride, I know you will make the kill, er, sale."
"What's with all the meat and safari references?"
"I haven't gotten laid since Saturday, I'm practically starving to death," Nadia says and we all laugh.
"Well, if anyone is a lioness here, it's you Nat," I say.
She turns to Jackson and winks.
"It's true."

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