Chapter 15

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After kickboxing, I bring Nadia and Simon I'm-Sorry-For-Being-A-Drunken-Mess gifts in the form of bottles of nice booze. Hundred proof Irish whiskey for Simon and fancy vodka for Nadia.

"But...these are full therr Gigi, you didn't drink them?" Simon says jokingly.

"I know, poetic isn't it?"

They both laugh.

"So how'd things end up with Jackson last night? Did anything happen?" Nadia asks.

Simon practically growls.

"No, god that would've been a disaster."

Nadia and Simon share a look which annoys me but I decide not to acknowledge it.

"He came back the next day and we had a good talk. I still feel like an ass but I'm doing better and I think he is too."

"That's good, I like him," Nadia says.

"We fucking know Nadia," I say.

"No, no, not like that. Like, he seems like a good guy," she says genuinely.

I nod.

"Drink Gigi?" Simon asks.

I groan.

"Sure, but just one, my body still hasn't forgiven me after last night."

It was more than one drink but it felt good to hang out with just Nadia and Simon. It had been a draining week for me and I felt like I hadn't really been a good friend to them or listened to what they had going on.

Nadia went home with a booty call that she had on speed dial and I decided to stay late and keep Simon company while he closed up.

Simon was putting glasses away behind the bar while I just sat and watched him. The other bartenders had left and there was still a line cook cleaning up in the back but otherwise we were alone.

"So, I heard you had a little 'chat' with Jackson last night?" I say accusingly. Simon doesn't flinch.

"Ya coulda just used your drunken eyes to see that, I dint exactly hide et," he says before looking up at me.

"What'd you say?"

"That if he hurt ya I'd hunt him down."

I laugh.

"He didn't right?"

"Hurt me? God no, he was actually very kind, and standoffish."

I pause.

"What else?"


"What else did you say to him?"

He doesn't answer right away.

"Some things just need to stay between two people, but I'll say, he does care about ya. I kno' he felt like a right piece of shit yesterday."

"Yeah I know."

We pause again.

"Thanks," I say quietly.

"No problem."

"No, not for that, I know you didn't do that for me, you did that for you. But thanks for always having my back, the years of watching out for us, for talking to us, I really appreciate your friendship."

Simon stops putting glasses away, and props his elbows on the bar while looking at me.

"You two are prolly my best friends 'ere Gigi, you know I'd do anything for yas," he says honestly. It's one of the things I like about Simon. He doesn't sugarcoat anything, he is always just honest and straightforward. I truly love him like my own brother.

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