Chapter 12

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As I enter Finn's Tavern, the tears have welled up again but I've somehow managed to keep them in my eyes. As soon as Simon sees me, he knows something is wrong. He grabs a bottle of whiskey, tells Tovvyn to keep an eye on the bar, then comes around and approaches me.
"Come on Gigi," he says as he puts his large, heavy arm around my shoulder and guides me towards his office.
We go inside and I throw my bag down and flop into a chair across from Simon's desk. He goes around the desk, pulls two glasses out and pours a shot into each.
"What's wrong chara?" He asks as he hands me a glass and sits down while searching my face.
His Irish nickname breaks my dam, I immediately start bawling and spilling my guts to poor Simon. I tell him everything about Jackson getting the promotion, and how I stormed out and was shitty to him when he tried to apologize.
"I know it's not his fault, it's not anybody's fault. But I totally lost it. I thought it was finally going to be my turn. I'd get this big account then stroll in there and ask for my promotion and they'd say 'yes, of course, you've earned it Ginger' and I could say that I fucking did that! I earned it!"
I take a big gulp of whiskey and look at Simon.
"Now it'll just look like I'm only asking because Jackson got a promotion after Jackson got the account. I feel like a fucking loser! How could I have been so stupid?!"
"Aye, don't you fuckin talk bout my friend Ginger that-a way. I've never seen such a fierce creature like you. Ya've been through more shite than just bout anybody I know. And ya still overcome."
I look up at him with my weepy eyes and prop the side of my head up with my hand.
"Errything will be aright, don't cry," he says.
"Thanks Simon," I steady my breathing and wipe my tears. "I feel silly for getting so upset."
Simon waves his hand.
"Ets understandable, ya said he apologized, ya think he meant et?"
I think about this for a second.
"I mean, I think so, he seemed upset," I sigh. "I fucked up didn't I?"
"He'll understand. I had my reservations about him but he seems arright," Simon says while swishing the whiskey around in his glass. "So what are ya gonna do?"
"Get drunk I guess, I'll figure the rest out tomorrow."
"Thas fair, I'll take ya home later or you can crash on the cot," Simon gestures to his cot in the corner of the office, I know he keeps fresh blankets in the cupboard behind his desk from past experiences. "Take a few minutes to collect yerself and then come out when yer ready, I'll have a drink waitin for ya."
Simon walks around the desk, squeezes my shoulder and plants a kiss on the top of my head.
"Thanks Simon."
I suddenly feel so grateful for Simon. He has always been there for me and I appreciate our friendship now more than ever.
After I hear the door close behind me. I wipe my face off and take a few deep breaths before walking out.
There's a beer and whiskey shot sitting on the corner of the bar. I slide onto the stool and Tovvyn comes over to me while drying a glass.
"Need anything else Ginger? You ordering dinner?" He asks.
"Not yet, thanks," I say as I down the shot and pick up the beer.
A few hours later, I'm thoroughly buzzed when Nadia arrives.
"What's wrong babe?!" She asks, looking concerned. "You look like you got hit by a truck."
"Fucking Jackson got promoted to Senior Account Manager today," I say.
"Yeah, they just announced it this afternoon."
"Oh Ginge! I'm sorry!" Nadia wraps me in a hug and I try not to start crying again.
"It's fine, but I feel like an asshole, I was really shitty to him."
"Did he know?"
"I really don't think he did, he seemed genuinely surprised and upset but I stormed out anyway," I say. "Can we get drunk please?"
"Sure but only if you split dinner with me, burger and fries?"
"Fine, you know how I like it," I respond.
Nadia doesn't even have to order, she just looks at Simon who was standing there listening and nods. He takes his cue and strides off towards the kitchen.
"Tell me everything, what happened?"
I recount my entire day to Nadia starting with stopping at Callum Adair's hotel and ending with me storming out of Atwood Collective. Nadia nods along and squeezes my arm when I get emotional. When I'm done she sighs and shakes her head.
"Sounds like the person you should be mad at is your boss," Nadia says. She has a drink now and we're both eating fries dipped in ketchup.
"I know I know, I wish I hadn't been so mean to Jackson, I was just so fucking pissed," I say as I pick up my beer.
"Well, your relationship with him has been through some interesting turns lately," she responds.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, you hated him just a week ago," she says.
"He hated me too," I say quickly.
"Eh, I don't know about that, but regardless, I'm sure he'll understand."
I rub my face in frustration and then pinch my eyebrow.
"Can we change the subject now?"
"Sure," Nadia downs a shot then looks around. "Any hot guys here tonight?"
I laugh.
By 11PM, I'm trying not to slur my words but I'm thoroughly fucked up. Nadia has been randomly flirting with men but doesn't leave my side. As I go to get up, she turns to me.
"Wanna grab an Uber? We can watch movies on your couch," she says grabbing my arm.
"No, no, I'm good, I'm going to go home and sleep this shit off. I juss need to go to the bathroom first."
I slide off the stool and head to the bathroom before she can protest.
After I wash my hands, I splash some water on my face then look in the mirror. I am not exactly a pretty sight. A whole lot has happened since I put this outfit on this morning. Finally, I let out a big sigh then leave the bathroom. As I walk out, I see Jackson talking to Simon and Nadia at the end of the bar.
Oh fuck. What is he doing here?!
In a panic, I duck into Simon's office and shut the door. There's no window and it's too loud in the bar to hear anything so I just wait a few minutes hoping beyond hope that Jackson just leaves.
As I ponder an escape route, I hear the door open behind me and turn around to see Jackson standing there.
"They told me I could probably find you in here. Listen, Ginger–"
"Jackson, pleass, don't. Ist fine okay? I was a shit head and I'm feeling really crappy about the whole thing so can we juss not talk about it right now? Everythinss fine."
I go to pat his chest reassuringly and miss completely. I am falling towards the ground but before I collide with concrete, Jackson's arms gently wrap around my waist and pull me upright.
"Jesus, you're tanked. You okay?"
"Fine, I'm fine." I say trying to brush it off while I smooth out my wild hair.
"I told you, I don't fucking want to talk about it. I juss want to go home and go to bed okay?!" Finally Jackson's hands leave my waist and he steps back.
"Okay, that's fine, but at least let me get you home," he says.
"No, no I'm arright, I can get home on my own."
"Please? It will make me feel better if I know you are home safe."

"Ugh, fine, but only because otherwise Simon will make me sleep on his cot and I'm too old for that shit." Jackson laughs and it eases the tension in my stomach slightly.
I put my coat on then snatch my bag off the chair and stride out of the office. Nadia and Simon both look up at me.
"I'm going to go home you guys, thanks for lissening to me today."
Nadia goes to grab her purse but I hold up my hand.
"No, iss fine, Jackson is going to take me."
They both look at me with partial relief and partial skepticism.
"You, office, now" Simon points at Jackson and they duck back into the office we just came out of.
I roll my eyes and walk up to Nadia. She wraps me in another hug.
"I love your crazy ass, sleep well and I'll check in with you tomorrow okay?"
"I love you too," I say.
A few minutes later the guys emerge. Simon shakes Jackson's hand and then claps him on the back before striding back to the bar. Jackson approaches me with his hands in the pockets of his coat.
"You ready?"
Twenty minutes later, Jackson and I are exiting the Uber and trying to walk up the steps of my stoop. The incubation period from the multiple beers I drank has settled and I'm suddenly even more hammered. Jackson, tired of trying to get me to walk straight, just picks me up with ease and makes his way up the stoop. He sets me down long enough for me to open the front door to my building before picking me up again.
"I'm fiiiiiine," I whine though I'm not really fighting him.
"We're almost there drunky, which apartment is yours?"
I lean my head against his chest and close my eyes.
"Oh no you don't, we still gotta get you inside," Jackson says shaking me slightly. "Which key?"
"The gold one," I say.
Jackson somehow manages to unlock the door while holding me and makes his way inside.
"Kick off your shoes, you can barely walk in those things."
I sigh and roll my eyes but do as he says. He takes me into my bedroom and gently sets me down. He slides my jacket off and hangs it up in my closet.
"Put some pajamas on and I'll grab you something for your head, do you have any meds in the kitchen?" He asks.
"To the leff of the fridge." My words are slurring more than I mean for them to.
Jackson shuts the bedroom door and I somehow manage to strip down to my underwear and pull on my giant t-shirt. I flop onto the bed and pull the throw from the end over me.
I hear the door open.
"Sit up Ginger, here's some water and some Advil."
I sit up and take the Advil. As I'm washing it down I look up and see Jackson smirking.
"Wasst so funny?"
"Nothing, come on, under the covers," he says as he pulls back the bed spread. I somehow manage to get under as Jackson goes to get me more water. I don't hear him come back before I pass out.

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